Category: Homepage

Secrets of a Strange Cloud

Rob Thompson (Society Member 28), sent us this documentary and told us “this is a special extended version of the Baddog Productions’ documentary “Secrets of a Strange Cloud” which we have put together for the Cloud Appreciation Society”

The Lucky Sky

Keen cloudspotter, Roberto Porto, sent us his latest timelaspe video “el cielo afortunado”, the lucky sky, made completely in the island of Tenerife, Spain.

from Ann Kraus

Earlier this year Ann Kraus was featured in a solo show at Pleiadles Gallery in New York City which was attended by a few members of the Cloud Appreciation Society.

June 2020

Anyone for night Cloudspotting?

A mysterious, rippling veil of gossamer-like clouds hangs high in the sky over the Netherlands. Forming right up at the fringes of Space, these clouds are the very highest in our atmosphere. They’re known as noctilucent clouds, and they form in the mesosphere at altitudes of around 50 miles (85 kilometres), which is far above the troposphere – the part where usual ‘weather’ clouds form, in the lower 10 miles or so (15 kilometers). It is the extreme altitude of noctilucent clouds that ensures they are the only type of cloud you can spot in the middle of the night even when there’s no Moon to light them. Even when the Sun is well below the horizon and rest of the sky is in the Earth’s shadow, these super-high clouds still catch its light, shining out in neon blue hues against the darkened sky. This is why their name means ‘night-shining’ in Latin.

Now is the start of the season for spotting noctilucent clouds in the Northern Hemisphere because they only form during the summer. June always seems to be a good month for them. This is when their ice crystals are more likely to appear because, counterintuitively, summer is when the mesosphere is at its coldest. When temperatures are warmer down on the ground, the lower atmosphere is warmed too and the troposphere expands, causing it to push the upper atmospheric layers upwards, which leads to cooling of the mesosphere. Typically, you can only spot noctilucent clouds from latitudes (whether in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere) that are higher than 50 degrees latitude. This explains their more formal name, polar mesospheric clouds. Any higher than about 70 degrees, however, and the summer sky will never become dark enough for their subtle forms to be visible.

If you are at the right latitude during the right time of year, look out when the lower sky is clear for these ghostly streaks of pale blue shining among the stars, late in the night or in the early hours. Who said cloudspotting needs to end when the Sun goes down?

Noctilucent clouds spotted over Katwijk, Netherlands by Mark McCaughrean (Member 32,672).

Have you spotted a Noctilucent Cloud?

If you’ve managed to photograph one of these extremely high night-shining clouds, why not contribute your image to a new Noctilucent Cloud Showcase that we’re creating in collaboration with our friends at Go Stargazing? We plan to bring together the best noctiulcent cloud images as a new resource for nighttime cloudspotters. 

Be a part of our Noctilucent cloud photography showcase

It’s noctilucent cloud season!

We have teamed up with our friends at Go Stargazing to raise awareness of the mysterious and elusive noctilucent clouds. Named after the Latin for “night-shining” these night sky phenomena are where stargazing and cloudspotting meet. Normally, astronomers’ biggest fear is a cloudy sky, but they love these extremely high clouds, with their ghostly, rippled appearance, just as much as we do. We and Go Stargazing are therefore inviting our members and friends to contribute their favourite photographs of these formations to a new Noctilucent Cloud Photography Showcase, which we hope will become a go-to resource for nighttime cloudspotters. .

Noctilucent clouds, or NLCs, are the highest clouds in Earth’s atmosphere, located in the mesosphere at altitudes of around 76 to 85 km (47 to 53 mi). They are too faint to be seen in daylight, and are visible only when illuminated by sunlight from below the horizon while the lower layers of the atmosphere are in Earth’s shadow. Still not fully understood, they are most often observed from latitudes between 50° and 70° north and south of the Equator, visible only when the Sun is below the horizon. Noctilucent clouds appear during the summer months, so we are now in the season for spotting them in the Northern Hemisphere.

If you’ve managed to photograph one of these beautiful formations – whether it was this summer or on a previous year – why not submit it for inclusion in the photography showcase? We will publish the images as a cloudspotting resource both on the Cloud Appreciation Society and Go Stargazing websites. Gavin Pretor-Pinney (Member 001) will also discuss our favourites images in a special live broadcast about noctilucent clouds on the Cloud Appreciation Society Facebook Page.

To submit your image for inclusion in this showcase, upload it to Instagram tagging both @GoStargazing and @CloudAppSoc in the description or email it to (max size 5mb). Either way, please remember to include the location, date and time you took the photograph, as well as your name so that we can properly credit you. We can’t wait to see what you’ve managed to capture of these illusive nighttime cloud!

Submit your noctilucent cloud photograph:

On Instagram…

Tag @CloudAppSoc and @GoStargazing in the description.

…or by email

Send it to (max size 5mb).

Include the location, date and time you took the photograph, as well as your name so that we can properly credit you.

Photographers will retain all rights to their photograph(s). They will be giving permission to Go Stargazing and Cloud Appreciation Society to share their imagery with our respective audiences. Credit will be applied to the copyright holder in all instances.

No to skywriting

Sign our petition against skywriting adverts over Britain

These examples over the US and Australia show how aircraft skywriting can be used to turn the sky into an advertising billboard. In the UK, advertising using aircraft smoke trails like this had been banned since 1960, but recent changes in legislation by the UK Government have made it legal. Now anyone can use the skies over Britain as an advertising billboard. We think this was a bad decision. We think the sky should remain one place where we don’t have to look at advertising and political messages. If you agree, please sign our petition to get the UK Government to reopen their inadequate public consultation on this that took place in March when the world was distracted by news of the Covid-19 pandemic, so that we can have this change in law overturned.

Trump skywriting overy Sydney

Aircraft skywriting over Sydney, Australia during a political march in 2017. (Photograph: © Max421 |

Heineken advert made with five aircraft flying in parallel formation over New York City, 2008. (Photograph: Brian Pennington, CC BY 2.0)

Religious skywriting message over Florida, US in 2011. (Photograph: Rhys Asplundh CC BY 2.0)

Advert for the Hooters restaurant chain over US, 2006. (Photograph: Oliver Wales, CC BY-ND 2.0)

Geico Insurance advert over San Francisco, US in 2012. (Photograph: Derek Wolfgram CC BY 2.0)

Advert for the Mohegan Sun casinos and hotels, over Boston, US in 2015. (Photograph: Steven & Courtney Johnson & Horwitz CC BY-SA 2.0)

Header image credits – Left: Cirrus clouds over the Isle of Colonsay, Scotland by Jacques Duijn (Cloud Appreciation Society Member 47,875), Right: Brian Pennington.


Harmonielehre: III. Meister Eckhardt and Quackie

Jason Weir recently proposed this piece for the Music to Watch Clouds by page. He wrote, “Imagine you are an eagle flying high above the mountains, soaring between layers of cloud, one moment your vision obscured by gentle droplets, the next catching a glimpse of the vast upper atmosphere with its deepening blue hues…”