The Atmosphere is Chilling 90km Above Antarctica

Kay Söderlund, Society member 51,007, recently told us about a vital research project covering more than 20 years which has precisely measured the cooling rate in the upper atmosphere, about 90km above Antarctica.

John French, Atmospheric Physicist at Australian Antarctic Division and Adjunct Lecturer, University of Tasmania, one of the authors, states “the research has yielded startling insights. Scientists have discovered greenhouse gas emissions are cooling the upper atmosphere at a rate ten times faster than Earth’s lower atmosphere is warming. The scientists also stumbled across a new temperature cycle – a finding they likened to a “gold nugget” – that could be a game changer for climate projections.” The research also monitored the frequency of naturally ocurring noctilucent clouds.

You can read the full article on The Conversation website

One thought on “The Atmosphere is Chilling 90km Above Antarctica”

  1. John Murrell avatar John Murrell says:

    The very cold conditions above Antarctica have resulted in a very late start to the Southern NLC season – according to the NASA AIM satellite observations the start was a month later than normal in late December 2020. The southern Ozone hole is also larger than normal this year.

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