What looked like a cloud tsunami inundated the skies over Singapore earlier this month. We explain what is was in November’s Cloud of the Month…
Category: Homepage
Janette K Hopper, member 52,724, has painted clouds all her life. This is one of her most recent pieces entitled “Hazy Memory”
A beautiful time-lapse of the northern lights captured and shared by Olivier Staiger. The clouds seem to swim out into a glittering green sea.
New scientific evidence suggests that trees help form high the atmosphere above the ice crystals that make up Cirrus clouds…
Member 49,675, Linda Ben-Zvi, submitted this landscape which was painted by her fiancé, Paul, the summer of their wedding.
Debi Perkins is an artist based in Crestview, FL. who recently discovered the Cloud Appreciation Society. This is one of her latest works.
Massimiliano Squadroni of Scenari Digitali srl, shared this timelapse video which was made through their webcam at Three Peaks South Tyrol – Italy.
This is the latest painting by Thomas Blazier, member 17,468, entitled “Winter Storm” which was inspired by the views around Albuquerque, NM, USA.
George Preoteasa, member 41,445, tells us that this summer he has been obsessed with capturing the Milky Way as it moves across the sky above the Catskills.
Mary Romer, member 50,765, wrote telling us about cloud paintings she has completed this year whilst living through these extraordinary times as well as the Cloud Garden Art Initiative.
Artist Norma Greenwood created the public art installation entitled “Cloudscapes” which is showing in the Jacksonville, Fl. International Airport.
Tim Blofeld, member 45,721, sent us the link to this video by Bartosz Wojczyński of a lenticular cloud above Teide taken seamlessly from day to night.
Finally, there are cards available for everyone who’s into Basset Hounds and clouds. What took so long? Find out more…
Louise Morgan, member 28,857, sent this painting in response to a recent Cloud-a-Day. She paints from her subconcious and gets lost in the process. She told us her daughter thought this looked like a sheep.
Jeremy Prentice produced this immersive sky meditation as a gift to his friends and family. He told said “A lil’ present for my kinfolk, friends, and friends-to-be in ole Melbourne town (or anyone and everyone for whom it offers value)
In October’s Cloud of the Month, we show how to cook up a nourishing cloud dish…
Regina Calton Burchett, member 51,261, sent us this pastel painting of the Blue Ridge Mountains and corresponding poem she wrote to accompany it.
Lance Wardle heard about the Cloud Appreciation Society from a friend while they were discussing how they had used their time during the ‘stay at home’ period earlier this year.
Matt Minshall (Member 7,721) shows how architects through the ages have drawn inspiration from the sky…
Why does everyone love a sunset? We think we’ve worked it out…
Roberta Grandi, Society member 7665, sent her latest cloud inspired oil painting.
Cloud enthusiast, Alexandra Ashby sent us her first video of clouds over the east coast. As one viewer commented “such dreamy clouds”
Cathy Reincke sent her painting, “Spilled Milk in the Red Cedar” which was inspired by a photograph taken by Fay Thompson of the Red Cedar River near Colfax, WI.
David Oscarson, supporting member 40,914, recently completed this video. He explained “in this video are time-lapse videos of clouds moving over the Mojave Desert, flora, fauna (wild horses) and cloud panoramas. I have expanded not only on cloud structures,but what is under the clouds and sky”.
Celia Parker, member 38266, often paints pictures of Dartmoor but thinks this is the first time she’s got the sky and the clouds just right.
Sarah McDougall, member 47,052, having talked to the curator of the Gathering Clouds exhibition in Christcurch, NZ contacted us to tell us about this exhibition in Rochester, New York.
Sofie Dieu (member 45,721) is an artist who uses ink to draw and paint nebulas and other cloud realms.
Robert Austin, member 43,207, recently sent his painting “Shower Cloud, Bamburgh Castle” in response to a Cloud-a-Day which featured a watercolour by Van Gogh.
It’s rare, it’s fleeting, it’s a fluctus cloud…
Christine Chatterton, member 52,072, sent us this photo and poem that she wrote.
Kay Söderlund, Society member 51,007, recently told us about a vital research project covering more than 20 years which has precisely measured the cooling rate in the upper atmosphere, about 90km above Antarctica.
Louise Morgan, Society member 28,857, contacted us following a recent Cloud-a-Day on the subject of the English Romantic landscape painters JMW Turner and John Constable were notorious rivals but who both loved painting clouds and the challenge of painting rainbows.
Andy Sallee, Society member 37,600, sent us this video taken whilst flying over and ‘surfing’ through clouds above the Northwestern Continental USA
Robyn Bartlett (member 24340) and Kim Stirling heard this interesting Australian radio segment combining the sounds of the Aurora Australis with a piano.
Sarah Howerd, member 46,352, found this Procreate painting tutorial by James Julier. She told us “This video is like a mix of Turner, Constable, and Bob Ross if they’d had a YouTube channel together
Robert Thurston recently sent this pastel of a cloud formation he saw.
Richard Bacon, member 51546, contacted us to tell us about an exhibition “Gathering Clouds” which is currently running at the Christchurch Art Gallery in New Zealand
Barry Aldous, member 43125, sent his recent timelapse video. He told us “I was attracted by the combination of cloud patterns and the confusing direction of travel!”
This painting was sent to us by artist, Amy Szwaya
Cloud of the Month for July is a Cumulonimbus with no interest in social distancing…