Eli Bajet, member 31,060, isbased in Ontario Canada and takes pictures of the clouds, dressing them with colors to create abstract colorful art.
Category: Homepage
Barbara Miller, member 56,107, is an aviator in Annapolis, Maryland. She has recently begun a series of paintings based on her up-close and personal experience of clouds
This long horizontal tube of cloud is a rare formation that develops in two very different circumstances. Here comes Cloud of the Month for July, the roll cloud…
Salil Kawli is a photographer based in Mumbai. In 2017 he captured these clouds from above and below on a flight to Paris.
Kathleen Bennett, member 20,977, recently completed this oil painting inspired by a sunrise along the New England coast in Salisbury Beach, MA.
Louise Morgan, member 28,857, painted this scene depicting high cirrus clouds and a light mist on a frosty morning.
Kathleen Janick, member 49,856, sent us this tongue-in-cheek poetic expression of her experience in the CAS cloud watercolor workshops hosted by Donna Levinstone and Gavin Pretor-Pinney. The painting here is one she made during the workshop.
Kate Edge, member 30,633, is in the process of moving the Pembrokeshire, UK, to live in and around the Preseli Hills. She told us this painting was done in her ‘car studio’ and depicts the Iron Age Hill Fort called Foel Drygarn from a high top position in a local farmers field.
Suzanne Fenton, member 43,602, was walking her English Bulldog, Coco, and noticed that different cloud layers were moving at different speeds. It had been very stormy so there had been a lot of varied cloud formations and action lately!
Nate Barton, member 46,647, is a self taught artist, teacher and maker in Asheville, North Carolina. As well as making hats, he also includes handpainted cloudscapes on them.
You can see more of his work on his Instagram
The jellyfish of the sky have arrived! And they bring us a message, as explained in June’s Cloud of the Month…
Ellen Cooper, member 55,491, is an artist living and working in Bellevue, Washington, USA, who paints both landscapes and cloudscapes.
Massimiliano Squadroni of Scenari Digitali srl, sent us this timelapse filmed in May 2021. The video was made through their webcam location in the Castelluccio di Norcia, Monti Sibillini National Park
With the Sun away,
weather came to play – stirring
breeze and sprinkling rain.
Sculptor, Andy Harding created a sculpture installation entitled “Cloud Witness” housed at the Gilda’s Club in Louisville, KY.
George Preoteasa, member 41,445, has recently started to experiment with IR photography and sent us this video.
Wiltrud Dull sent this cloud inspired poem
Malcolm Wilson, member 41,548, painted this scene using oils on canvas of the clouds above Cumbria. It is 3.5 metres long and is to hang in a public room of a Grade 2 Listed Hotel.
When it comes to the relationship between clouds and temperatures on the ground, there is still so much to learn. In a world of changing climates, we still don’t know whether shifts in cloud cover globally will add to or decrease the temperatures below.
Dolores B Mitchell has loved looking at the sky since childhood, when she would imagine walking around in splendid cities in the clouds. This is one of her cloud inspired paintings.
We chase rainbows over Bavaria, Germany and discover there’s more to rainbows than meets the eye…
Daryl D Johnson, member 45,193, sent us her oil on canvas painting “Sunset Wind”.
Andy Lumborg, member 9,117, from Pontypool, Wales, sent us his latest cloud related poem entitled “Cloud Shadows”
Hannah Bellinger is a UK based artist who paints under the name “Art by Noir”
David Oscarson, supporting member 40,914, recently completed a video of clouds above the Mojave Desert.
The Clouds / De Wolken – Martinus Nijhoff : a visual poem by Anne Vanschothorst
‘more birds bring more happiness to those who appreciate the wonder of clouds’
Sybille Jones is an artist based in Oregon, US, who recently created this digital painting entitled “Approaching Tidal Wave”
David Luff recently contacted us about his video. The Giants Above is a video hecreated to showcase the beauty of clouds. It transitions from night to day, and is accompanied by an array of ambient and cinematic music.
The tablecloth cloud isn’t the only dramatic formation produced by the mountains around Cape Town in South Africa…
Kathleen Janick, member 49,856, submitted this beautiful poem and accompanying image. The photograph reminded her of when her then you children, helped her paint a wall.
Ann Kraus, member 48,329 is a painter of clouds. Her website says “Being focused and cloud aware is certainly a needed antidote for our downward gaze at our digital screens”.
James Cooper, member 55,001, sent us this video of the Morning Glory Cloud which forms over the Gulf of Carpentaria in Northern Australia every year during the months of September and October.
Freddy Niagara Fonseca (aka Cosmopolitan Poet on Facebook) sent us this cloud composition written in 1993.
Malcolm Tuffnell, member 55,301, tells us he has always been in awe of thunderstorms, especially squall lines, and saw many of them while living on the east coast for nine years.
George Preoteasa, member 41,445, sent us this timelapse taken in the Catskills. It shows nicely how the zodiacal light forms and then fades away. Society founder, Gavin Pretor-Pinney, tells us that as it’s so subtle, this is very hard to spot and photograph.
Janet Redmon of Lompoc, California usually writes poetry for children but sent us this one she wrote some years ago entitled “Rain Castles”
Maia Eden is an artist who recently started a new upcycling business which includes painting furniture. She has just completed this commission for a teenage girl’s chest of drawers.
Daniel Thomas, member 55,137, sent us this timelapse video taken in May 2017 in Ste-Mélanie and Ste-Béatrix, Quebec
Cindy Medina of Las Cruces, New Mexico sent these two cloud inspired Haiku
These rings of delicate pastel colours around the Sun can be caused by the tiny particles of a cloud…