We have many members of the Society who are airline pilots – no one else after all, has a better view of the clouds from their office window
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May’s Cloud of the Month shows how a Cumulus with big ambitions can develop a cloud halo…
Jessica Volpe (member 45292) recently published her book “The One and ONLY Cloud: A Fact and Fiction Book about Clouds”.
This a 30 X 30, Diptych painted in acrylics called “Pacific Blaze” by Michael Armstrong.
For our Chinese speaking members, an article by Mengni Xing following an interview with Society Founder, Gavin Pretor-Pinney.
Paul Bennett, member 47271, has shared his latest cloud painting with us.
Waterfalls and water rises in the Cloud of the Month for April…
Davo Laninga, member 1095, recently sent us his Cloud-focused time-lapse film titled “The Invitation”.
Jan McIntyre, member 34,229 contacted us with details of an exhibition running at York Art Gallery.
Constance Kilgore, member 27497, is an established artist with an enthusiasm for painting the skies.
Mike Sharp, member 19947, sent us a video taken just after his recent trip to Tanjong Bunga, Penang, Malaysia.
John has been painting skies all over the US and Europe for decades and wanted to share these with other members.
Our German speaking members may be interested to read the recent profile about Bernhard Kaliner, Society member 9964
Join us for hands-on activities, including a Virtual Reality experience of Google Earth, as we explore the variety of ways we gather data about the weather.
Rachel Dolmatch, member 47312, is a cloud artist from Quincy, MA, just south of Boston.
Cloud of the Month for March has mysteries blowin’ in the wind…
Paul Bennett, member 47271 is new to the Cloud Appreciation Society and tells us he absolutely adores clouds
This gentle Haiku has been submitted by Cindy Medina
inspired by the view at Jamay, Jalisco, Mexico
A recent theoretical study shows that a major increase in CO2 could result in a dramatic reduction in low clouds responsible for keeping the surface cool.
February’s Cloud of the Month is a smile in the sky…
Cloud enthusiast, Adrian Zlotea, loves clouds and especially Cumulonimbus, as you can see from his sketch.
Lionel Playford, member 22010, has been studying clouds and the sky in drawing and painting for nearly 50 years as a landscape artist.
Barry Aldous, member 43125, sent us this time-lapse video of the clouds at sunset as seen from the back garden of his home in the North West of England.
Susan Forrest Castle, member 41376, recently sent this cloudscape in watercolour and pencil.
Cloud mail art from our members…
Cloud of the Month for January is an ocean of Stratus – best viewed from above, and with time on your hands…
Carole Chandler recently composed these Cloud Haiku whilst out enjoying Mother Nature’s benevolent offerings
Margaret Smyth, member 17515, recently told us about the extraordinary thunder and hailstorms in Australia in December.
Bernd Kärcher recently contacted us with the suggestion of “Ocean Cloud” by Marillion for our Music to Watch Clouds by section.
We were interviewed by People and Company for their podcast about communities…
Cloud Videographer, Roberto Porto, has sent us this timelapse of Asperitas clouds over Teide National Park, Tenerife
David Oscarson, supporting member 40914, recently
composed this poem “A Sense of Loss” that centers around fog and
encroaching clouds.
Cloud enthusiast, David Terry, came across this informative video from the Science Museium in which Alex Lathbridge talks to curator Alex Rose and finds out why Luke Howard named the clouds and what he called them.
To counter the December season of excess, we have selected as Cloud of the Month the simplest, most understated of formations…
For the past few years Mo Kelman, member 43936, has produced tensile sculptures that are inspired by ephemeral phenomena — mostly clouds, as well as steam and smoke.
Flammagenitus is also known as pyrocumulus or fire cloud. Jess Barry, member 44252, told us of this video by ABC News (Australia)
Karen Fitzgerald, member 40834, lives and works in NYC and has been painting clouds off and on for 10 years.
Wendy Goldberg, an American artist, recently sent us this image called “Storm Clearing: Early Spring”
A beautiful crowd of clouds, went tumbling across the sky,
And the Sun and Moon, perplexed, both just wondered “Why”.