Uwe Haass, member 41050 recently contact us about a new issue of stamps by Deutsche Post
Category: Homepage
This scene depicts what artist, Joel Flora, saw after a storm passed through New York City.
Gregory Venarsky, member 48,157, also known as “The Cascadian Hiker” sent us this timelapse video taken in Kennewick, Washington in the U.S.
Asperitas clouds spotted over Stallion Springs, California, US are the Cloud of the Month for February…
Annie Kate Aarnoutse recently contacted us about this video of Noctilucent clouds by Night Light Films.
Lamya Deeb, member 20,784, painted this passing storm at sunset a few years ago — Mammatus clouds and a little lightning.
Manuela Rettweiler, member 42844, recently contacted us about a ‘fire’ in the North tower of Cologne Cathedral
Cloud watcher, Lois Cronholm-Neff, sent us this beautiful poem that she wrote for her husband almost 50 years ago.
Tommaso Zamò (Member 14,276), is a teacher in a middle school in Buttrio – Udine (northeast of Italy)
We don’t appreciate all clouds alike. In fact, the pyrocumulonimbus cloud is one that we positively dislike. Find out why in the Cloud of the Month for January…
Atmospheres 3 is the third video in a series of studies of the skies by William VanDerKloot, Society member 48,297
Charlotte Aiken is an artist currently living in Guildford, UK, and her main interest is clouds.
Sharon Yamamoto has been exhibiting and selling her artwork in galleries around the world since 1969.
Longstanding Society member, Jack Borden, recently sent us this suggestion for music to watch clouds by.
Stephen Ingram joined us on the four-day Sky Gathering on Lundy Island last year.
Francoise Dauchot is an artist based in Belgium whose favourite topic is clouds.
Exuberance, poems by Dolores Hayden, member 48,618, celebrates the early years of aviation and includes the poem, “Flying Lesson: Clouds,” that first appeared in Poetry magazine.
Sarah Vivian, member 48,706, recently joined the Cloud Appreciation Society. She tells us she loves to paint the never-ending beauty of clouds
David Oscarson, supporting member 40914, recently completed a video
entitled: A Study of Clouds Over Jean and Goodsprings, Nevada.
Chris Tetly, member 10338, composed this poem after sitting a while in the garden late on a blowy and partly cloudy moonlit night
Josephine Sedgwick, a journalist with the New York Times, recently produced an article about the Cloud Appreciation Society entitled Nature’s Best Poetry of 2019: Clouds
Karen Fitzgerald, member 40,834, sent us this paining on a black background. She tells us this is how she thinks of clouds in the night sky and what they may be imagining if they could.
John Wood, Society member 44,848, recently published his 360-degree panorama of the Milky Way and Air Glow over Schoodic Point.
Katie Millard, society member 48293, is an artist who paints the beautiful coastline of North Norfolk in the UK.
These points of light spotted by David Richards (Member 47,917) on either side of the sunrise not only make for a captivating winter scene, they also tell us the exact shape of the tiny crystals of ice glittering in the morning air. Spoiler alert: they don’t look like Christmas decorations! All is revealed in Cloud of the Month for December…
Mary Walker, member 48382, from Upper Hutt, New Zealand wrote this poem encouraging everyone to look up!
CloudO by Chris Magennis & G.L.Galbraith is a song based on a poem by Geoff L Galbraith.
Susan Forrest Castle (member 41376) shared with us one of her latest cloud works from a series called “Tiny Cloud Series”
Graham Billinghurst, Society member 24,513, recently spotted this cloud compilation by Nicolaus Wegner
Joan Son, member 44,883, told us “I’ve been working in paper for many years, based in the discipline of origami… trying something new now…”
Emily Klenin (member 40676) sent us this poem from her home in Lancaster County, USA
Long-standing Society member, Mike Rubin (no. 329) is a keen glider pilot and recently sent us this video of him having fun with a sea breeze front in Dorset (UK)
Why do some clouds look solid, while others look translucent? We reveal all in Cloud of the Month for November…
Amirah Busairi, CAS member 27334, sent us this artistic depiction of clouds.
Cindy Medina sent us this Haiku which was written Sunday evening, Sept 29. She told us she lives in a desert and this grouping of clouds lay east to southeast, reminding her very much of Midwestern thunderheads.
Jean Decker, member 44161, sent us this photo which shows a museum installation called “Touch A Cloud”
Massimiliano from Scenari Digitali srl, sent us this spectacular timelapse from the morning of 7 September.
Jan-Hendrik von Kuick (member 8876) was inspired by the Cyanometer – an instrument for measuring the blueness of the sky
Sherry Palmer (member 27151) painted this purple edged cloud covering Beinn Sgritheall, on the mainland across the Sound of Sleat, Skye in early September
Jim Bishop (member 12,515) from Oroville, California, joined our recent trip to Lake Inari. He has shared with us an interesting and detailed document on the formation of thunderstorms.