Category: Homepage

By Sarah Vivian

Sarah Vivian, member 48,706, recently joined the Cloud Appreciation Society. She tells us she loves to paint the never-ending beauty of clouds

From Karen Fitzgerald

Karen Fitzgerald, member 40,834, sent us this paining on a black background. She tells us this is how she thinks of clouds in the night sky and what they may be imagining if they could.

December 2019

These points of light spotted by David Richards (Member 47,917) on either side of the sunrise not only make for a captivating winter scene, they also tell us the exact shape of the tiny crystals of ice glittering in the morning air. Spoiler alert: they don’t look like Christmas decorations! All is revealed in Cloud of the Month for December…

A storm front rolls in over La Crosse, Wisconsin, US. © Kristin Allbright

From Cindy Medina

Cindy Medina sent us this Haiku which was written Sunday evening, Sept 29. She told us she lives in a desert and this grouping of clouds lay east to southeast, reminding her very much of Midwestern thunderheads.