Why not send us your own cloud poetry? Remember to include your full name and where you live.
I Lay in the Dark by Lorelei O’Connor
Writer and artist, Lorelei O'Connor sent us this moving poem...
A Poem for Both of Us
Cloud watcher, Lois Cronholm-Neff, sent us this beautiful poem that she wrote for her husband almost 50 years ago.
Flying Lesson: Clouds by Dolores Hayden
Exuberance, poems by Dolores Hayden, member 48,618, celebrates the early years of aviation and includes the poem, “Flying Lesson: Clouds,” that first appeared in Poetry magazine.
From Chris Tetley
Chris Tetly, member 10338, composed this poem after sitting a while in the garden late on a blowy and partly cloudy moonlit night
From Mary Walker
Mary Walker, member 48382, from Upper Hutt, New Zealand wrote this poem encouraging everyone to look up!
A Poem From Emily Klenin
Emily Klenin (member 40676) sent us this poem from her home in Lancaster County, USA
From Cindy Medina
Cindy Medina sent us this Haiku which was written Sunday evening, Sept 29. She told us she lives in a desert and this grouping of clouds lay east to southeast, reminding her very much of Midwestern thunderheads.
From Jean Ratcliffe
Roz Bacon shared this poem, written by her friend, Jean Ratcliffe who, at the age of 93, enjoys the clouds from her window.
Flood in the Sky
Richa Gupta sent us a poem along with this image that was taken in June 2019 during a flight to Pune and which inspired the verse.