Why not send us your own cloud poetry? Remember to include your full name and where you live.
Buckshot Dot, AKA Dee Strickland Johnson, sent one of her more recent poems. The image we’ve chosen to accompany it is a sunrise over Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain by Lourdes Sanches MunozA BRILLIANT SUNSETI saw a sunset, just this evening.Out the window of my den.‘Twas so lovely, so inspiringI ran to fetch my camera in.Vermillion clouds […]
Nuvole “Clouds”
Romano Zeraschi sent us this recent cloud inspired poem. We’ve paired it with a sunrise over Sumirago, Varese, Italy by Paolo Bardelli. Nuvole:anime che svolanoaddensanoe svaporanocartografie di sogniillusioni.Stampigliano promessescambiano timidi bacie umide di timidi amorivezzose e liberescorrono e sbriglianonel superno abissosenza paura.Dipingonocose che vorremmoe non sappiamoo ci fanno pauraminacciosequando avanzano orridamente scureper poi pentirsie piangeree […]
From a small ship in Antarctic waters
Annie Dillard, Member 46,119 sent us an anecdote of an encounter from a small ship in Antarctic waters. We’ve paired it with an image from “Cloudface 88” of Lenticularis over Skarsvåg, Nordkapp, Finnmark, Norway “Over a long life I’ve learned that the meaning of this sight is a handy thing to know. From a small […]
From Lou Piccolo
Lou Piccolo enjoys reading poetry and recently submitted this Haiku inspired by the sky. We’ve paired it with an image from our Photo Gallery of a spine-like contrail over Chester, England by Michael Hearne. Clouds embroidering white criss-cross stitches on a bright summer-blue sky.
The Old, Old Man
Buckshot Dot, AKA Dee Strickland Johnson, wrote this poem in 1940 when she was 9 years old. The image we’ve chose to accompany it is by Linda Holtby, Member 20,966, of faces in the clouds over the Hamble river, England. THE OLD OLD MAN His beard is so long it touches his toes.If I were […]
Bonnie Boothroyd was driving and when she came over the crest of a hill and before her was a fascinating skyscape which inspired this poem. We’ve paired it with an image from our gallery of Cumulonimbus over Bosse, Belgium © Sunwalker Layers The sky overhead hangs low, leaden threatening my mood In the distance though, […]
Maine Fog
Kathleen Janick, member 49,856, recently wrote this poem inspired by fog on the coast of Maine, USA
“Sky Pebbles” by Ric Johnson
Ric Johnson wrote this poem after walking alongside the River Weaver in Cheshire, UK and was inspired by the clouds that appeared overhead. You can see more of his work on his website. SKY PEBBLES Tight knit, these pebblesAlthough not knitted at allIf our brains were in place. Magically magicalBut truly, touchingly magicalThough impossible to […]
Buckshot Dot, AKA Dee Strickland Johnson, sent us this poem reflecting on sky. We’ve paired it with this mixed sky over the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia by Ebony Willson, Member 53,124 The Sky Without Clouds A day without clouds is the sky at its least.We had one here just recently.Be they piles, or wisps, or […]