Cloud Poetry

Why not send us your own cloud poetry? Remember to include your full name and where you live.

A Cumulus elephant spotted over Geelong, Victoria, Australia.

From Sue Shaw

Sue Shaw, Member 55,742, is enjoying her membership of the Cloud Appreciation Society.  She told us she’s been travelling  lately and watching a lot of lumpy clouds and finding shapes and faces almost endlessly.  It inspired her to write the two poems below.  She says  they are “similar, but different— and are products of that […]
A fair weather cloud day over Valentia Island in the south west of Ireland.

Home Turf by Melanie McDowell

Melanie McDowell, Member 58,909 thoroughly enjoys her membership of the Cloud Appreciation Society.  She told us “I am a poet and a lot of my poetry takes inspiration from the ever changing West of Ireland skies.  I also love reading others’ poetry, both contemporary and classic.  During Covid, I began the practice of choosing a word […]
Altocumulus stratiformis undulatus, also known as a "mackerel sky", spotted over West London, England

Have You Seen the Sky Today

Lucia Wilson was delighted to see the Cloud Appreciation Society featured on BBC Breakfast recently with an interview with Gavin Pretor-Pinney. It reminded her of this poem that she wrote over 10 years ago as she was reflecting on how often people in London move around the city without looking up. Have You Seen the […]
A contrail filled sky over Wimborne in Dorset, England.

From Patricia Laurence

This is the first of two poems by Patricia Laurence, Member 11,781.  She wrote this following the poetry workshop that she attended as part of the Orkney Sky Gathering. Two                                       Contrails   in the                                 sky      had                              formed        an X                       was it           a kiss                a cross              X marks        the spot                a […]
A view above the cloud streets, Union, Indiana, US.

From David Brown

David Brown wrote to us saying “at the time of writing I was living on a hill in rural Northland, NZ. Very late one night I stepped outside and saw the strangest cloud formation I’ve ever seen: thin, perfectly regular lines of cloud stretching across the sky. They looked for all the world like the […]
Altocumulus with virga over Denmark.

Like Shifting Clouds on High

Anette Prehn, Member 63,419, appreciates the sky from her home in Denmark.  This poem was translated for her by Heidi Flegal, who suggested she send it to us.  It was used as lyrics, set to music by Rasmus Skov Borring in 2019.  Image:  Altocumulus with virga over Denmark © Soren Hauge Like Shifting Clouds on […]

Clouds – from the CAS Sky Gathering, Orkney

Yvonne Gray sent us this ‘group poem’ written during a very enjoyable and productive creative writing workshop that was held at the Cloud Appreciation Society Orkney Sky Gathering  last week.  Image: A sunset over the Isle of Shapinsay, Orkney Islands © Peter Amsden Clouds clouds to make stories fromclouds to make dreams ofcloud – a […]
A sunset over Shepherds Bush, London, UK. (Red sky at night, Shepherd's delight).

From My Bedroom by Moira Lazarus

Moira Lazarus is a song-writer and poet from London.  This is a poem she wrote a few years ago, just watching the London sky darkening.  Image: A sunset over Shepherds Bush, London, UK. (Red sky at night, Shepherd’s delight). © David Stening From My Bedroom I lie on my back and watch clouds travelslow and […]
A Circumhorizon Arc over Colorado, US.

A Cloud-a-Day

Melody Serra, Member 56,638 from New York City, recently sent a poem she wrote about her membership and receiving our Cloud-a-Day emails.  Image:  A Circumhorizon Arc over Colorado, US.   © Keelin Subject: Cloud-a-Day On August 29, 2021 I became a cloudspotter member 56,638 of the Cloud Appreciation Society!everyday since then, an email with a photo […]