Forum Replies Created
January 29, 2021 at 1:14 am in reply to: Podcast On today’s Sunday Read, the story of the Cloud Appreciation Society #468549
Lisa Rigge
ParticipantHi Keelen,
Thank-you for the referral to this podcast. I loved it, and like you was deeply moved by that “inexplicable rush of empathy and awe” for the people at the conference. I walked in the park on a cloudy day as I listened to it:)
Lisa Rigge
ParticipantLisa Rigge
ParticipantThank you Ruth and Keelin for your words about my photograph being accepted in Cloud-A-Day. It was an honor! Sudden Inspiration fits the theme exactly, a spirit bird in flight. And Ruth, how did you know vanilla was my favorite ice cream flaver? Cumulous clouds are the best clouds for pareidolia (if I am using that correctly in the sentence). And Keelin, love the way you are exploring black on white and vice versa – each version has its own viseral impact. And these days, I do feel as if I’m at a crossroad….
Lisa Rigge
ParticipantMichael, the multi-directional undulatus looks like an explosion about to happen! And the softness/bluriness elicits the movement of these undulating clouds. Very nice! And Keelin, I’ve learned yet another new word – pareidolia! Turns out the word isn’t in my dictionary. Love that language changes, as do the clouds. Another good reason this site is such fun-we learn as we do! I’d suggest that your cloud could be the Hand of Fate!
Ray of Hope
Lisa Rigge
ParticipantRuth – thank you for the compliment! As I rescroll through these images, they seem to become more profound as time goes on – much like the changing shapes of the clouds as they reshape themselves every moment! I look forward to seeing more of your photographs here; Whirlpool captures several cloud types and is so expressive of them all! Well done! And Hans, “denouement” is a new word for me – I looked it up and it seems a perfect fit here! And Ripples and Holes seems tobe the passageway between consciousness and the unconscious!
Lisa Rigge
ParticipantHans, Arizona #191 brings Infinity to mind. Lovely! And Hans, Neural Network is invigorating to say the least! Such an appropriate title as well. And Keelen, your Subconcsious Tendencies remind me of bringing out the Shadow Side of our unconscious. And Arizone #192 Michael seems to bring peace of mind to all of the above!
Deep Sleep
Lisa Rigge
ParticipantYes, Keelin – Dancers! Ballerinas in my imagination.
In Search of Lucidity – Dendrite Disconnect
Disconnected Comment: Through the International Association for the Study of Dreams, there will be an online conference on Lucid Dreaming coming up soon, with 12 speakers. Fabrina Bogzaran has studied the creative aspect of hynogogic sleep-she’s an artist and scientist. If this Conference doesn’t spark me into lucidity, then at least I can still keep my head and heart in the clouds!
Lisa Rigge
ParticipantLisa Rigge
ParticipantLove the illusions to dreams and pillows and whispers and lanterns! Clouds are so captivating on so many levels (aka layers). Love that Dali was prepared to capture his dreams as soon as he woke up! Much study is being done today on the creativity of hynogogic and hypnopomic sleep (the stages between being awake and being asleep). That all brings me to wabi-sabi this afternoon. Somehow I think it all fits together. Wabi-sabi being in part: “…is the beauty of the withered, weathered, tarnished, scarred, intimate, coarse, earthly, evanescent, tentative, ephemeral.” From Six Names of Beauty by Crispin Sartwell. I think this image fits the wabi-sabi of cloud-induced sleep! (sorry for the low resolution – I don’t know what happened to the original file).
Lisa Rigge
ParticipantThank-you, Michael! I do love this site and I love clouds! I have no immediate goal in mind as to what to do with my cloud photos. I just keep taking them and enjoy sharing at this blog and receiving the Cloud a Day image in my inbox and when luck provides, submit a cloud on the CloudSpotter APP. Yes, clouds are for dreamers….
And Arizona B&W #188 are Lacunosus, no? They disappear rather quickly….Lisa Rigge
ParticipantHello again, Everyone! I just had to remark that Keelen, your “Lullaby” reminds me of the “Eye of God” at the altar of the San Miguel Mission in San Miguel, CA (I live in Pleasanton). Just lovely – doesn’t make me sleepy at all. And, Hans, love the Quill pen – how the contrails speak to us in their own language!
And yes, as a photographer, scale is one thing I’m aware of when photographing. Digital photography can make an image too “perfect” and it would have taken a millisecond to clone the bird out. But, I like to have life in my photographs as well as defy compositional rules, but I try leave these cloud images in as close a state in which I took it.
And I have another question – I haven’t found an “overview” of this site – so if we post an image here, are we able to post it elsewhere or submit it elsewhere on the site? There’s so many options I can’t quite get the overall view. Thanks!Lisa Rigge
ParticipantHans, Colorless reminds me of a feather – the use of the sepia tone is very effective and moody. And Keelin, the owl has its beak amongst its feather – and Midnight Dance’s blue mood comes across with such intrigue! And Michael, I miss the skies of the Southwest and am ever grateful to see each one from you. They bring back rich memories for me. I apologize I rarely post and submit an image, but I am always delighted by the images all of you post!
Lisa Rigge
ParticipantLisa Rigge
ParticipantLisa Rigge
ParticipantThank-you, Hans! I’m not sure how replying works, whether to one person or the group-but I do want to thank the warm welcome I’ve received from everyone. Is there a limit to the number of photographs that can be posted here? No-I’m not one to overdo something – I may find one or two more. All of these photographs are stunning! Thanks again, Lisa