Hans Stocker

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  • in reply to: Sunsets and Sunrises Vol X #588934
    Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

    Arizona sunset #111 is really painterly, Michael. A true brush painting. Great peachy colors, Ruth. Very tasty.

    2023-10 S Charigny (27)-1

    Mainly Blues

    in reply to: Optical Phenomena Volume VI #587171
    Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

    So much fun above! A great sundog in the tail of a contrail, Tony. Ariel’s Pastel Pod might be a neon lighted tropical fish. Ruth you hunted with success for a full moon with corona. Keelin, aren’t we all halo fans? A great composition.

    2023-10 Charigny (1)-1
    Another Sundog

    in reply to: Cloud I took a picture of, what is it? #586743
    Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

    I just want to add something to former comments. Michael is right there is duplicatus involved, but that’s just the variety we see and not the genus. It is not cirrocumulus we see here, but it is more likely to be altocumulus undulatus. The different undulatus patterns betray the duplicatus variety Michael already mentioned. A really nice one to spot, Vivid.


    in reply to: Kelvin-helmholtz? Or just a sneakily shaped cloud? #586742
    Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

    In my opinion they are the real deal Vivid. They are nice examples of KH in cumulus clouds. It must have been fun spotting them!


    in reply to: Contrail Thread Volume VI #586741
    Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

    Great collision Michael! Love it.

    2023-09 Thedirac (85)-1

    Twist And Shout

    in reply to: Sunsets and Sunrises Vol X #586740
    Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

    The colors and composition in #109 are fabulous Michael. Love it. And #110 as well.

    2023-09 Charigny (37)-1

    Oranges And Reds

    in reply to: Black&White Photos Of Cloud VolXXlII #586739
    Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

    Thanks Ruth. Great Crevice!

    2023-08 Wolken (24)-1

    Dress Rehearsal For Halloween?

    in reply to: Asperitas The CAS Cloud Vol 6 #585824
    Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

    2023-09 Thedirac (155)-1
    Always A Joy

    in reply to: Black&White Photos Of Cloud VolXXlII #585615
    Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

    The veils make the composition perfect in #237, Michael.

    Ruth your great distrail looks like footsteps in the snow.

    My! My! What Have We Here? is hilarious, Keelin. And how could I miss Billy on the 8th of October? He is obviously having fun in the mountains of Tibet.

    2023-07 Charigny (76)-1

    Carpet In The Mist

    in reply to: Optical Phenomena Volume VI #585422
    Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

    Ariel, you spotted a beautiful combination of halos. Keelin your iridescence at the edge of  a developing cumulus is fantastic.
    And Tony, I don’t think you spotted nacreous. It is simply not the right season to spot nacreous. We are in between the summer where nocticlucent clouds can occur and the winter when nacreous is possible to show up on the Northern hemisphere. Nacreous is only visible in the winter between sunset or sunrise and one or two hours after sunset / before sunrise. Here is some more info about Nacreous clouds including a link to a page with a comparison between iridescence and nacreous clouds. You can read it is possible to spot it (although rarely in the South of England too. I hope you like it.

    Some more iridescence in close-up from the archive.

    2021-04 Wolken (56)-1

    in reply to: ColorThread Volume XV #585369
    Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

    Ha, you must be right, Keelin. I can’t get my eyes off the sky. This one was a bit shy maybe.

    And a Great Blue-Grey Palette!

    2023-07 Charigny (4)-1



    in reply to: Cloudscapes Volume VII #585339
    Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

    I scrolled a lot back before posting a new cloudscape and enjoyed amazing cloudscapes by all. I just want to mention Robert Pearson with his ‘Lenticular clouds with a hint of sunset’. I love that one in particular. Did you ever consider to send this one (or another) to the gallery to share it with a lot more members, Robert? Find the “Sumit an image” button at the top right of the gallery page. I look certainly forward to your contributions(s?). The mamma you spotted is also quite remarkable.

    2023-09 Thedirac (170)-1


    in reply to: Contrail Thread Volume VI #585138
    Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

    Just A Tiny Scratch is very funny, Keelin.  It is in great contrast with A Big Noodle, by Ruth, being evenly funny.

    2023-09 Charigny (32)-1

    Trail At Sunset


    in reply to: Sunsets and Sunrises Vol X #585098
    Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

    That’s a lovely sunset over Glacier National Park with  mist in the valley, Ruth. #103, #104 and #106 continue to amaze me for their delicate colors , Michael.

    2023-09 Charigny (45)-1

    Split Patterns

    in reply to: Black&White Photos Of Cloud VolXXlII #585005
    Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

    All great ones above from you all! The pretty girl in Michael’s #232 can’t be unseen anymore now, Keelin. Very nice Michael. Love the contrast in your Another Study in Greys and love the Whirlpool by Ruth also.

    2023-07 Charigny (70)-1

    Crawling Creature

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 2,625 total)