Forum Replies Created
Hans StockerParticipant
Great blues in your lacunosus, Michael.
Yin and Yang
Hans StockerParticipantQuite an impressive cloudscape Ruth in Bumps in The Road.
A Sleeping Dog Trying To Hyde Under The Carpet
Hans StockerParticipantNice big Noodle, Ruth, and ‘Just Lay It Dwon Here’ is a very funny title.
Crossing A Broadband
Hans StockerParticipantHoly cow, that’s quite a Budd for Billy, Keelin:)
Hans StockerParticipantThanks for this great start of Volume XIII, Michael. You also closed the former Volume gently with virga curtains.
Hans StockerParticipantYes a dDo Day Afternoon Duncan. A classic one.
Love your Daschhund Ruth and of course that darn Billy. He is in our hearts.
Billy is goat and it isn’t him on next one for it lacks his horns, but he sure earns a …
Hans StockerParticipantThanks Ruth. Puf And It Is Gone is a very applicable title for yours and other B&W’s. I keep coming back to Cloud Coral, keelin. It is a beauty. Love the diagonals in your latest #216, Michael.
Celestial Harp
Hans StockerParticipantGreat images above Michael.
Hans StockerParticipantI am glad you like this so much. And yes I agree that you have revealed a faint parhelic circle in your last image. I recognize your enthusiasm that I also feel when I have spotted something special.
When you want to dive in a lot more about halos and optical pheneomena (for instance rainbows) I recommend to look for all that is published on atoptics. I know that is really a lot, so it might be better to do it bit by bit, just searching for the things you want to know more about. This is the place where I started too. The site is loaded withh great info, images and science. When you like that, it is the place to be.
I wish you lots of fun with it.
Hans StockerParticipantHello Ariel, I got a really nice and extensive answer from Alec about the halos you spotted. I am very grateful for the attention he gave it. In the end he explained that my arguments were right and that there might be a 23 plate arc and also plate parhelions, but he can’t be sure. He is right that it is only sure when it is sure. So far I am already happy with this result.
I suppose he explained you something more in his answer to you and also gave the advise to make RAW pictures when you spot halos in case your camera supports RAW. I will keep that in mind too. Let’s keep our eyes open for new opportunities. I will certainly do.
Hans StockerParticipantGrrrr…. sorry for the stupid typos above: nut = but and appry arc = Parry arc. Circumscribes = circumscribed. Must be the hot weather around here.
Hans StockerParticipantarielko, I looked at your latest two. The first one shows a 22 degres halo (nut you knew already) but above there seems to be a faint suncave aprry arc. The second one is a 22 degrees halo too and above there is uppertangent arc. It would extend in a circumscribes arc but I can’t detect more. I suppose the resolution of the downloaded images are not sufficent to see more.
Just some moments ago I succeeded to submit my message. It was a matter of cookies I first had to delete to be able to proceed. After this I finally got the message that is was sent. Pffff. I am curious for the answer.
Hans StockerParticipantFully agreed, Michael. And Cloud Coral has a true watery feel. Amazing. One can see it is an enlargement but it works perfectly. B&W does magic so I won’t panic about a nice Crevice Ruth.
Let It Snow
Hans StockerParticipantI love the dishes you both served arielko and Keelin. Very tasty.
Recently I had a lucky day and spotted this brightly colored dog’s tail on a dog day.
Circumhorizon Dog Tail
Hans StockerParticipanti love to to see and read all these heartwarming things above: Dog on a mamma pillow (there is no better place to be found) by Ruth, another true Heart from arielko and Oh Boy! A Car Ride! Great fun with all this hair in the wind, Keelin. You must know I just did a ride with my hairy fellow to the cool beach early in the morning to avoid the heat on what is going to be a dog day, or in French une canicule. Don’t know why they call it a dog day or canicule (canis is Latin for dog), since she certainly does not like the heat. But she loves the beach anyway.
Like A Bird On A Wire