Clouds never stay still. They're in a state of perpetual transition, mutating from one form to another. This ephemeral, ever-changing quality is part of their beauty. If you have time-lapse video of clouds for this page, upload it to a video hosting site like Vimeo or YouTube and send us a link.
Surfing the Morning Glory
Phil Behnke told us about surfing the Morning Glory cloud as a glider pilot and shared with us this video of cloud surfing by fellow pilot and professional photographer Al Sim.
Clouds over Japan
Takashi Usui sent us his recent timelapse videos of clouds over Japan accompanied by some gentle music
Fog flowing around Vancouver at Sunrise
Jurene Phaneuf, Member 45,173, saw this video by Adrian De Lisle of fog flowing around Vancouver at Sunrise and felt we’d all enjoy the scene.
Sunset Timelapse over The River Clyde, Scotland
Cloud enthusiast Brian Matheson sent us his timelapse video filmed between 8.30pm-9.45pm on 30th July 2023 over the River Clyde, Scotland.
Kelvin-Helmholtz Formation
Stefano Poli, Member 28,222, filmed this Kelvin-Helmholtz formation over Mount Grem in the Orobic Alps, Italy
Hang Gliding a Morning Glory
The Morning Glory cloud is a roll cloud in Australia that gliders surf...
Sunrise and Sunset, from Alps to Apennines
Massimiliano Squadroni has sent the latest time-lapse video “Sunrise and Sunset, from Alps to Apennines” that was filmed on 2nd April 2023.
A Night Under the Northern Lights
George Preoteasa, Member 41,445, joined us on our 2022 Sky Holiday to Canada to see the Northern Lights. On his last night he set up a camera by the lake taking time-lapse pictures for 6 hours from 10pm. The film is about 4 minutes long and ends with clouds rolling in, while the aurora green […]
Ocean Cloud Scape
Rebecca Hosking, an Australian photographer, has shared a second timelapse video of the ocean cloud scape along the Great Ocean Road, Fairhaven, in Victoria, Australia.