Cloud Videos

Clouds never stay still. They're in a state of perpetual transition, mutating from one form to another. This ephemeral, ever-changing quality is part of their beauty. If you have time-lapse video of clouds for this page, upload it to a video hosting site like Vimeo or YouTube and send us a link.

The Yukon Aurora

In September of last year, George Preoteasa, Member 41,445, travelled to Whitehorse, Yukon.  Although the  aurora was the main attraction, he found that the Yukon is stunning. He told us:  “as you know, I take timelapse pictures and turn them into movies, so of course I have one from this trip. The aurora was let’s […]

Horseshoe Vortex from an altitude of 4,700ft

Gary McArthur, Member 5,353, told us he was very lucky to capture this Horseshoe Vortex from an altitude of 4,700ft just south of Wynyard, on the Tasmanian NW Coast

Shadows in the Sky

Jurene Phaneuf, Member 45,173 , sent us the link to Mike Olbinski’s video “Shadows in the Sky”.  The images are mesmerising and the accompanying music very atmospheric.

Sunrise from Alps to Apennines

Massimiliano Squadroni sent us part of his new project “the sunrise from alps to apennines”.  He told us that he wants to use his videos to launch an appeal to save the glaciers.

Clouds, Waiting for Winter 

Massimiliano Squadroni has sent us this new timelapse taken of clouds overFrontignano, Ussita, Italy on 23rd November 2023

Timelaspe Castelluccio di Norcia – February 2020

Massimilianoiano Sqadroni recently shared this spectacular "Time-lapse of Castelluccio di Norcia - February 2020"

Sunset Boulevard time lapse Franeker Friesland NL

Roelof van der Schaaf, Member 30,007, recently sent us his timelapse of a sunset in Franeker, Friesland in the Netherlands.

Annular eclipse ‘23 at Mexican Hat, Utah

George Preoteasa, Member 41,445, sent in his timelapse video of the recent annular eclipse.  He told us, “I was in Mexican Hat, Utah, which was on the centerline. It’s hard to capture the feeling in a movie or pictures, given that you have to use a solar filter most of the time, so you have to […]

Surfing the Morning Glory

Phil Behnke told us about surfing the Morning Glory cloud as a glider pilot and shared with us this video of cloud surfing by fellow pilot and professional photographer Al Sim.