4 thoughts on “We’ve added up the Cloud of the Month for May”

  1. Tricia Houghton says:

    I saw your handbook [of which I am now a proud owner] for sale on the counter at one an iconic Melbourne bookshops last W/E. I was so excited never realizing there was such an organisation. I don’t know whether by being an expat Brit living in OZ whether I am eligible to join. As a little girl I would lie back and cloud gaze for hours looking for animals, faces, etc form and dissolve. This was a good way to pass long car journeys prior to car radios. Where does one go for help to find out how an unusual inexplicable sighting might have occurred. I only have my husband to corroborate it since we had no camera with us and I was probably too taken aback by it to have taken a photo even if I had had a camera at hand.

  2. Lynn Robertson says:

    No doubt about it! Clouds are a great source of entertainment, they are beautiful, they are threatening, they seem alive!!!

  3. Joan says:

    So glad to see I am not alone. Your photo is stunning

  4. Lynda Banks avatar lynda says:

    who needs paintings on the walls when you can look out and see nature making something like this.

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