Online Course 3: ‘How to Become an Expert Cloudspotter’




This course will help you to become an expert cloudspotter. Following on from our courses on How to Spot the Ten Main Clouds and How to Spot Cloud Species and Varieties, it will take your cloudspotting skills to the ultimate level.

The course consists of four parts, each with a video of around 20 minutes, and each with a fun quiz to help embed your learning. You will learn to identify the special cloud features that can appear on one of the main cloud types. Some of these are rare and fleeting formations, such as the breaking-wave features known as fluctus. Some of them only seasoned cloudspotters will be able to identify. You’ll meet the accessory clouds, which form in or around the main types, such as the pileus that looks like a hat on top of another cloud. You’ll learn what ‘special clouds’ are, and you’ll meet extreme-altitude clouds, some of which form right up at the fringes of Space.

Not only will you learn to identify these often dramatic formations, you will also understand why they look the way they do. After completing this course, you’ll be able to download the Cloud Appreciation Society certificate personalised with your name on it that confirms you’ve reached this expert level.

This course is free to Cloud Appreciation Society members with active subscriptions. (You can login here)

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