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One thought on “A view from Ferel in Brittany, of the clouds through rose coloured glasses.”

  1. Laurence Green avatar Laurence Green says:

    An imaginative photo, Matt. Good show!


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10 thoughts on “A ghostly skeleton face over Norfolk, UK.”

  1. Øivind Moen, Stavanger, Norwa says:

    The ghost sure seem to be from Abe's timeperiode.

  2. Kevin says:

    Abe Lincoln's Ghost?!

  3. Stars15k says:

    Thought of Hitler in the thumbnail….looks like a skeleton blown up. Creepy, but beautiful!

  4. Anthea Dixon avatar Anthea says:

    Very spooky indeed. I like it!

  5. carly says:

    wow! My favorite so far!

  6. John Norris says:

    Spooky indeed, still a good shot Matt!!!

  7. Looks like my dog! well spotted Matt!

  8. Allison Summey says:

    LOVE IT!

  9. modestino carbone says:


  10. Julie Darby avatar Julie Darby UK says:


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3 thoughts on “Early evening over the sea in La Baule near St Nazaire in France.”

  1. susie says:

    a hang glider?

  2. Anonymous says:

    What is the black semi-circle? Not a bird!

  3. Anonymous says:

    great shot Matt….I love it…

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