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Main Cloud Types
- Cumulus
- Stratus
- Stratocumulus
- Altocumulus
- Altostratus
- Cirrus
- Cirrocumulus
- Cirrostratus
- Nimbostratus
- Cumulonimbus
Other Clouds
- Arcus
- Asperitas
- Cap / banner clouds
- Capillatus
- Castellanus
- Cataractagenitus
- Cauda (Tail cloud)
- Cavum (Fallstreak hole)
- Congestus
- Contrail (homogenitus)
- Duplicatus
- Diamond dust
- Distrail
- Fibratus
- Flammagenitus (Pyrocumulus)
- Floccus
- Fluctus (Kelvin-Helmholtz)
- Fractus
- Homogenitus
- Horseshoe vortex
- Humilis
- Incus
- Intortus
- Lacunosus
- Lenticularis
- Mamma
- Morning Glory Cloud
- Murus (Wall cloud)
- Mediocris
- Nacreous
- Nebulosus
- Noctilucent
- Pannus
- Perlucidus
- Pileus
- Praecipitatio
- Radiatus
- Silvagenitus
- Spissatus
- Stratiformis
- 'Supercilium' (not official classification)
- Translucidus
- Tuba / Twister
- Uncinus
- Undulatus
- Velum
- Vertebratus
- Virga
- Volutus (Roll cloud)
Optical Effects
- 22° Halo
- 46° Halo
- Circumhorizon Arc
- Circumscribed halo
- Circumzenithal Arc
- Cloudbow / Fogbow
- Corona
- Crepuscular rays & shadows
- Diffuse arcs
- Green flash
- Glory
- Halos
- Helic arc
- Infralateral arc
- Iridescence
- Lower Sun Pillar
- Lower Tangent Arc
- Moonbow
- Moondogs
- Parhelic circle
- Parry antisolar arcs
- Parry arc
- Parry infralateral arc
- Parry supralateral arc
- Rainbow
- Sub parhelion
- Sub-sun
- Suncave parry arc
- Sun dog (Parhelion)
- Sun pillar
- Supernumerary bows
- Subparhelic circle
- Supralateral arc
- Upper tangent arc
- Wegener arc
January 25, 2025
A crisp reflection of the sky on Blea Water, Lake District National Park, Cumbria, England
January 11, 2025
Clouds reflected in a garden pool where koi can swim "in the clouds". Macduff shared that clouds have significant symbolic presence in Japanese culture and are emphasized in gardens. They are symbols of change, impermanence, mystery, and potential, as well as the domain of the gods and the sacred. This exquisite reflection was spotted at the Adachi Museum of Art in Yasugi, Japan.
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