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A summer sky that hosted contrails all day according to Sarah. And then one of them was transformed into a winding road of Cirrocumulus clouds as a result of the wind within the higher levels of the atmosphere, as spotted over Brentwood, Missouri, US.


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A view of what appears to be the development of Cirrus and Cirrocumulus clouds as a result of prior contrails (homogenitus). Depending on atmospheric conditions, the ice crystals absorbing water vapour from surrounding air can grow in size and spread out in the high winds. Carole's sister, Amy Moloney, spotted these formations over Eureka, California, US.


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Cirrus vertebratus homogenitus forms as a result of an aircraft condensation trail (contrail). The spine of the cloud begins as a contrail and is aligned to the flow of the high winds, whose water droplets freeze into ice crystals that fall below into slower, moister airflows. This variation was spotted over Kenilworth Gardens, Melksham, England.


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Contrails, formed when it’s cold enough and moist enough, the water vapour contained in the plane’s hot exhaust gases mixes with the very cold air to condense and form ice crystals. This plethora of contrails was spotted over St. Martin de Fenouillet, France.


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