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Stepping outside to go to the neighbor's house, Sandy noticed how much this cumulus cloud looked like a dog's face/head, spotted over Chattanooga, Tennessee, US


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A particularly 'red/orange' sunset. This visual of the sun at sunset can be influenced by smoke or dust particles, which can contribute to the Rayleigh effect, which relates, in part, to the shorter wavelength of blue light which scatters further as the sun passes over a greater distance, whereas red and orange have longer wavelengths. This vibrant sunset was spotted over Lisbon, Portugal.


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A layer of stratus clouds blanketing a low lying area near Chiayi, Taiwan


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A classic example of a cap cloud, a particular example of an altocumulus lenticularis, forms as a stable airstream rises to pass over a peak, cooling as it does so. Deborah's son, Peter, spotted this unique cloud formation over what appears to be Mt. Adams as he was on a plane coming in to land at Portland, Oregon, US


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Cumulus as viewed from a steamboat on the Elbe River, spotted over Dresden, Germany


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Asperitas viewed during the Quad Cities Marathon, while looking across the Mississippi River towards Davenport, Iowa, from Rock Island, Illinois, US


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