Forum Replies Created
Michael Lerch
ParticipantYeaa! coming apart in a big way! wild!
Hans I’m not a big fan of filters especially with photographing clouds. Adjustable filters like the polarizing and neutral density types can allow the picture to slip away while you’re adjusting the filter for best results. I have a polarizer for a lens and stopped using it when I missed too many good shots. The straight filters, UV, and colored filters etc , true, protect the glass one has paid so dearly for but..i keep changing back and forth from B&W to color during a shoot. Again, I lose way too much time screwing on or off filters as I change to or from B&W or color. These digital cameras with programmable options allow to switch to hi contrast to low from whatever you choose to something else that you choose with just a button push to menu and a couple of taps on a selector..Clouds change, lighting changes, etc, Program the effects and just know which choice has that effect. I have the Monochrome choice programmed for Yellow filter effect.Nice soft greys for B&W cloud work. User Choice 1 I have programmed for B&W ( monochrome) with Orange Filter effect for all around good contrasty shots of clouds. I have User Choice 2 programmed for B&W with Red Filter effect,,for high contrast when the clouds and lighting are not well separated, as in dull sky. All the ” Color ” choices, Portrait, Landscape, nature,,etc etc etc,I have programmed for various levels of contrast, saturation, etc. It doesn’t take long to know which choice I want to use for which situation I am Photographing. Early morning and late evening offer challenges that differ as much as brite sunny sky and overcast sky. Pre program so as to have as many choices available at finger tip.
Now, with that in mind, maybe how I shoot can be understood. I don’t shoot for lenticulars or Asperitas or cumulus or cirrus. I shoot for whatever the weather is giving me as in lighting, contrast, textures etc. I try to have prepared the camera to whatever is being offered. Sometimes, no, a lot of times what is going on to the south,,is different from what is going on to the north or east or west or straight over head. So adaptability is very important as shows in different directions start going on at the same time. Perhaps The Cloud Gods Enjoy a Good Laugh every now and then watching me darting around trying to capture 2 or 3 different shows at the same time.. I Take pictures of what is being offered. Any particular cloud type can come in any kind of lighting situation. To have the camera already set for that, makes it a breeze to capture the moment.
That perspective also applies to the aesthetic. Clouds aren’t always wavey or swirling or exploding etc etc. I try to ” see” what the clouds are offering in patterns or directions or just plain olde mystery as in shooting up through duplicatus. Most digital cameras ” see” further into the infra red than human eyes do. So just there, is a hint at the mystery clouds can offer. I don’t try to ” make” a cloud picture as much as record what the cloud or clouds are showing, or offering. True, when processing the photos, then creativity comes in and enhances what I’ve captured. I always end on the Surreal note. Surrealism is a philosophy. It works for me. Clouds take me away from the polarized black white true false yes no world of reason and logic and allow me another existence of imagination and aesthetics. Clouds show me that the surreal is quite natural. I hope to have my cameras ready for that .
Michael Lerch
ParticipantThanks George..That along with the national weather satellite visuals give me a bit of time to prepare for the clouds when they decide to come to Phoenix.
Michael Lerch
ParticipantJean-Pierre..Yes, Hans Got it..The Long Linear nature is because of what you see in upper right hand area..Contrail. The Fall Streak you have photographed is probably the result of a jet engine exhaust..imho
Michael Lerch
ParticipantWhen given the opportunity I enjoy shooting straight up through the clouds. The opportunity is usually a quick moving cell of congestus. NOT RAINING THO..Roiling ,nears perfection to my tastes. Thin and Moving enough to let light in for just a bit, challenging me to capture the interesting, thats the way to get a cramp in the neck from looking up continuously for the opportune. Ive learned to shoot with a good amount of contrast programmed. Orange or Red Filter effect works well for B&W. For color just program one of your choices for high contrast .I shoot with the slowest speed possible most of the time ,equivalent ASA100, but depending how dark it is under a forming storm , might up the speed to 200 or 400 depending on where the “noise” starts becoming a problem.Generally focus where the Lightest area is, which hopefully is the center of attention or whats going on, as well. Its a different way to shot clouds and lends itself to the abstract use of cloud . And Its Fun. Below is an easy one shot from my backyard, overhead.
Michael Lerch
Michael Lerch
ParticipantAll That Jazz
Michael Lerch
Michael Lerch
ParticipantHans, Thanks for the Sign In Tip…Refresh took me immediately to the red button of Login. Much Better.
Fascinating high clouds there !..Winds creating interesting troughs and eddies with what looks like lacunosus! Quite a cast of characters!Below is a Free For All of Undulatus with several layers of cloud.
Michael Lerch
ParticipantEasy Hans…Sure! I’ve seen such phenomena. I suspect rising columns of heat make the holes. Something always starts degrading clouds once they reach their peak appearance. Can’t say I have pics tho,,or at least I have no idea where to look for them if I do.
Anyway, we’ve reached just over 100 posts on this thread. Hygge was hinting at 75 or so, that maybe its time for a new thread. Im thinking Vol II . 100 posts is fair especially if you believe ” A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words”..So, this one is my last for this thread, Vol I. Its strange enough to be a memorable one to go out on..another Overhead shot taken from my backyard…with a little contrast and ” clarity” added..;)
Michael Lerch
ParticipantGeorge makes a valid point, it depends where you are located. But..I have a slitely different perspective. For me..the rarest cloud I can think the One I don’t Want To See. Cirrus lenticulars are very rare. I think I’ve only seen a couple and have only one picture of one. I use to think Horseshoe vortex was rare but I’m into double digit sightings of those now. The most recent outburst of the Polar Strat Clouds have been seen by perhaps millions so rarity gets another flavor there. But there is one,,rare in occurrences when compared to normal clouds and I suspect, most who have seen one , hope its their last; the tuba that touches ground, the tornado! Imho..the rarer, the better.
Michael Lerch
ParticipantHaving a devil of a time signing in here. As I come in I am taken to automatically being sign in. Problem soon as I go to anywhere else ( forum, home page ), I’m not signed in there. So I have to keep signing out then back in until I am given the manual sign in red button, which works at keeping me signed in everywhere. .anyway..
hygge, Ive seen these weirdos come apart and there is some kind of force involved. They come apart like a spinning top losing its energy, its balance. There is wooble, a shuddering, shape becomes chaotic, filaments go off in various directions and dissipation takes it toll until all gone. So I thought the energy was in the spin of the vortex. If its in ,,invisible air..oh well. I’ve never seen it then. I’ve only seen its effect on the horseshoe.
Michael Lerch
ParticipantA Bouquet of Cumulus
Michael Lerch
ParticipantFascinating Crows Work Hans! Perhaps Boeing or Airbus Will design a wing tip that always gives a show like you and Davies captured! If They are going to put stuff across my sky, how nice it would be if it was at least interesting.
Heres a pic that can be rotated and flipped. I break some rules but adhere to just enough to keep it interesting.
Michael Lerch
ParticipantLG…Hold on a sec…those clouds have the consistency of Jello at best,,maybe more like ice slush. Our weather would be ..crushed to death. I can imagine micro creatures living amongst the molecules but temperature and light are very thin. Now take the Jovian moon Encelidus(spl?) It just may be all crust with liquid underneath maybe there we could survive for a while. Maybe some great ice fishing there.
But yea, Juno earned every cent poured into the program with just that shot.
Michael Lerch
ParticipantHans,, I’d say it is Holmboe Instability. The fascinating thing is the other waves and surges besides a main prominence. According to computer simulations the jostling of the whole area ( layer) should be evident,again the physics of finding equilibrium. Below is another Jan 13 2017 pic. This time some lenticular get the Holmboe treatment.