Forums › The Cloud Forum › ASPERITAS, The CAS Cloud
- This topic has 101 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 12 months ago by DAVID DOWNS.
July 25, 2018 at 9:22 pm #286960Michael LerchParticipant
A separate thread on, for and about the CAS identified cloud now officially known as ..Asperitas,,thanks to our founder Gavin Pretor-Pinney,strikes me as worthy of a try. Photos would be my main contribution. I live in Phoenix Az, the Upper Sonoran Desert.We have around 275 days a year of sky. When we do have weather it tends to be quick in passing.At a very local place, my house,,a good rain is one that lasts half an hour. So the systems rush through with much hurly burly. That speed and energy tends to create Asperitas somewhere in the Valley as a system passes through. I enjoy the challenge of spotting the phenomena.
Asperitas at dawn
A Close Up
July 26, 2018 at 10:37 am #287040Hans StockerParticipant
Thanks Michael, for the initiative to give asperitas its own topic on the forum in a great start. It is only one month and two weeks ago that Geoff LB reported that asperitas has become mainstream. That might be in the sense of common knowledge, but not in the sense of its appearance.
I hope for a lot of different contributions and I hope you don’t want too limit it to only clear cases, Michael. There are also cases where one doubts whether it is asperitas or not. There are so many different kind of appearances that they are worth to discuss imho. For instance your recent ‘half half” on the Colour Thread IV (which I think it is).
What to think of this one. Is this asperitas giving the eye?
Any opinions?
July 27, 2018 at 12:36 am #287135Michael LerchParticipant
So far Hans, I’ve seen Asperitas Undulatus, Laconusus, and Radius here,with undulatus the most common. In any case, there has to be enough to hang your hat on. Your shot offers Undulatus yet Im not seeing Asperitas. For Aperitas I think in terms of a field or large area where redundant waves of of agitation are seen. Looking at the clouds upside down for verifying ,,needs larger sampling to see the waves.
Below is shot of what I call”Speckled Asperitas.” Light making it through the clouds to freckle their appearance adds even more to these surreal clouds…imho.
July 27, 2018 at 10:01 am #287202Hans StockerParticipant
Michael, I agree your Speckled Asperitas is a beauty. I assume the layer of clouds is relatively thin?
I agree also with the analysis of the asperitas giving the eye. This was more a cut-out with some interesting features (to me). Here is larger sampling that shows a lot of lenticulars but with irregular undulating in it. I am curious what your opinion is on a wider view.
July 28, 2018 at 4:25 am #287408Michael LerchParticipant
Looks like you even have Pileus or Velum going on there Hans. I’d say you captured some turbulent cloud there and the lenticular are coming apart from the turbulence. But again I need more to see in order to say Asperitas.
Arizona Asperitas#104
July 28, 2018 at 3:44 pm #287484Patricia L KeelinParticipant
Thank you for launching this great topic, Michael! It’s off to a splendid start already and should draw many contributors who enjoy the rollercoaster rides of Asperitas. Wouldn’t be surprised if this calls for dramamine!
And Hans, the images you’ve posted so far have much of the feeling I associate with Asperitas, so regardless of whether or not they meet classification parameters, they are exciting to see here.
I haven’t see many instances of Asperitas locally, so hope a repost of one of my favorites is acceptable here. You and Hans might recognize a portion of it as The Mermaid’s Tresses from one of the B&W volumes.
Asperitas Over San Francisco Bay
July 28, 2018 at 10:15 pm #287557Hans StockerParticipant
Michael: unfortunately no wider view of my suspect. Indeed a lot lenticular. What makes it a bit asperitas-like for me are the irregular waves so typical for asperitas. I conclude: coincidence in a lenticular undulating scenery. It just lasted less than half an hour I remember.
Keelin: that is a fantastic picture over Francisco Bay! The day it got published I complemented you with it on the gallery. I also saw your picture not so long ago in one of the Somewhat Occasional Newsletters from CAS. It is a surprise you took from this the mermaids tresses. Wonderful.
Just today we had an asperitas event in the midst of some weather changes. No doubt about this one imho. I have a series in which one can see loose patches of asperitas and also phases of dissipating.
July 28, 2018 at 10:17 pm #287558Hans StockerParticipant
Here a detail I like in a part of the sky where the asperitas was already more or less vanishing. Just some features of asperitas are left over.
July 28, 2018 at 10:32 pm #287561Hans StockerParticipant
And this strange cloud structure heralded the arrival of the asperitas. I like to share it for its strangeness. I also saw some suspect asperitas-features in this strange cloud. That might have been wishful thinking but what followed was asperitas indeed.
July 29, 2018 at 12:04 am #287581Howard BrownParticipant
Michael, Hygge is pleased with your initiating this thread, not least for the marketing of CAS. And I think you have asperitas to the T in your photos.
Hygge has never observed asperitas, but I seem to remember one photo in nearby Dorset, UK, so no excuses.
August 1, 2018 at 11:28 pm #288295
July 29, 2018 at 3:14 am #287608Michael LerchParticipant
Thanks hygge!, I hope you witness Asperitas soon. It seems to me, if there are two layers of cloud overhead that improves the chances of Asperitas. Of course one can’t see two layers if the lower one is not transparent enough. Big Sky gives an advantage because if the upper layer ,say a alto stratus, is expansive enough the lower layer takes up only a portion of the sky in comparison , again making it easier to spot the phenomena. Its always easier to identify Asperitas from a distance than when its overhead. When its overhead its more difficult to identify the ” roll” of the waves, the peaks and valley of the wave action. At a distance just look at it upside down and you will know. I love the look on folks’ face when they do look at Asperitas upside down..” oh wow, now I see It!”
Arizona Asperitas#105
July 29, 2018 at 12:14 pm #287666Hans StockerParticipant
Nice knowing about the layers Michael. I checked my series of yesterday. Here is a overview of patches of asperitas on a lower layer and somewhat higher there seems to be a stratus layer.
Oh and yes, I agree asperitas is better recognized looking form an angle than overhead. Overhead they don´t betray their forms so easy while looking at an angle the shapes and shadows give them their special appearance.
July 29, 2018 at 12:15 pm #287667Hans StockerParticipant
But I especially love the details…
July 30, 2018 at 2:01 am #287762Michael LerchParticipant
Yes,Lighting is so critical to Asperitas. It helps to have some making it thru the clouds imho. I’ve learned to shoot Asperitas somewhat flat,,that is to say,,not with contrast dialed up. Details in the shadows get lost very easily with Asperitas. Dial down the contrast will get the details in the shadows and when I process the picture, I control how much contrast I bring back to the photo.
Arizona Asperitas#106
July 30, 2018 at 9:52 am #287813Hans StockerParticipant
I agree Michael, too much contrast might spoil details. It is a matter of fine tuning.
I am getting spoiled over here. After my former asperitas event even two times yesterday. Too much to share at once. The second appearance of asperias made me think of he rather lenticular situation I posted above. To test the statement by Michael about hardly recognizing asperitas overhead versus asperitas seen at a lower angle, I made these two shots (among others).
July 30, 2018 at 9:53 am #287814Hans StockerParticipant
At the same time
Somewhere else in the sky as seen at a lower angle
July 31, 2018 at 1:54 am #287929Michael LerchParticipant
Heres a shot of Asperitas getting shredded by the winds.,,blown apart!
Arizona Asperitas #107
July 31, 2018 at 11:22 am #287974Hans StockerParticipant
Yes very typical cambers Michael. Love them.
Here is just a patch of asperitas in al ower layer of clouds and..
And somewhat later already dissipating
August 1, 2018 at 6:06 am #288126Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#108
August 1, 2018 at 9:50 am #288154Hans StockerParticipant
This was also part of Lenticularscape ( Cloudscapes Volume II).
August 2, 2018 at 5:22 am #288325Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#109
August 2, 2018 at 11:11 am #288386Hans StockerParticipant
A different kind of appearance
August 3, 2018 at 12:47 am #288486Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#110
August 3, 2018 at 10:13 am #288543Hans StockerParticipant
Asperitas on a lenticular day. Love these lines.
August 4, 2018 at 6:34 am #288680Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#111
August 4, 2018 at 11:38 am #288718Hans StockerParticipant
From the archives. I remember to have posted some of the same series in the B&W threads.
Any opinions on this one?
August 5, 2018 at 2:27 am #288833Michael LerchParticipant
Hans,,Looks like the winds are shredding the clouds but, Asperitas? sure why not?
Below is a dawn shot of Asperitas as it literally split in two!.Winds!
Arizona Asperitas#112
August 5, 2018 at 2:40 am #288838Patricia L KeelinParticipant
Such beautifully dramatic shots, Michael and Hans! Especially welcome to see as skies have been fairly cloudless here these past few days.
August 5, 2018 at 1:31 pm #288906Hans StockerParticipant
Nice streets on #112 Michael. Too much boring blue skies over here too Keelin.
Next one is one of my first encounters from the archives. It was a nice summer day with a lot of people going to the beach. At the moment I took this picture a lot were already gone or busy fleeing, while I was enjoying this dramatic sky with a hint of asperitas in it coming from the sea foreboding a change of weather.
August 7, 2018 at 10:27 am #289207Hans StockerParticipant
August 8, 2018 at 1:17 am #289353Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#113
August 9, 2018 at 2:17 am #289567Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#114
August 12, 2018 at 3:50 am #290087Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#115
August 15, 2018 at 12:44 am #290536Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#116
August 19, 2018 at 12:28 am #291147Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#117
August 19, 2018 at 3:48 am #291165Patricia L KeelinParticipant
Thank you, Hans and Michael, for all the above. Such beautifully captured cloud formations, each one with its own personality, each one deserving applause. I’d like to be one of those birds on the wire!
August 20, 2018 at 11:30 pm #291456Michael LerchParticipant
Ha!, Keelin I don’t know which was more amazing , the cloud show or that there were so many different types of birds watching it.
Arizona Asperitas#118
August 22, 2018 at 10:05 am #291699Hans StockerParticipant
Love the birds on the wire Michael. Great capture (and also others by the way).
Slightly Transparent
August 24, 2018 at 1:50 am #291968Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#119
August 24, 2018 at 11:27 am #292026Hans StockerParticipant
Haarlem Asperitas
August 30, 2018 at 1:28 am #292945Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#120
August 30, 2018 at 11:15 am #293013Hans StockerParticipant
This one was for free
September 2, 2018 at 8:23 pm #293577Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#121
September 3, 2018 at 10:25 am #293668Hans StockerParticipant
I keep going back to the blues of #120 Michael. Very nice.
September 6, 2018 at 4:53 am #294141Michael LerchParticipant
I like that shot Hans. Nice composition
Arizona Asperitas#122
September 6, 2018 at 9:38 pm #294248Hans StockerParticipant
Thanks Michael. Love the lightness in #122. Here is one that is the opposite.
September 11, 2018 at 2:51 am #294874Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#123 an example of asperitas lacunosus
September 14, 2018 at 3:12 am #295322Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#124
Cumulus forming around Red Mountain is pulled up by the overhead passing of Asperitas.
September 20, 2018 at 3:58 am #296211Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas# 125
September 24, 2018 at 6:23 am #296827Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#126
September 24, 2018 at 9:35 pm #298540Hans StockerParticipant
Michael, your cumulus over Red Mountain is very peculiar. It really looks pulled up as you wrote.
Here’s a very recent one in black and white.
September 26, 2018 at 10:50 am #298760Hans StockerParticipant
And next a recent one in color. I must say I am rather fond of this one. Can’t wait to share it.
September 27, 2018 at 1:30 am #298842Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas #127
September 28, 2018 at 9:35 pm #299140Hans StockerParticipant
French Asperitas
September 30, 2018 at 8:30 pm #299462Hans StockerParticipant
French Again
October 3, 2018 at 11:52 am #300343Hans StockerParticipant
Another French asperitas, showing undulatus between the larger asperitas waves. The appearence of these undulating smaller parts in between the larger lines struck me. Ever seen that way?
Squared Undulatus
October 6, 2018 at 2:25 am #301165Michael LerchParticipant
Looks like you had a great time in France, Hans. I think if you look closely you’ll see undulations within undulations in a lot of Asperitas shots.
Heres an easy going Asperitas shot.
Arizona Asperitas# 128
October 6, 2018 at 10:46 am #301211Hans StockerParticipant
Yes I had Michael. Particularly the day that started with asperitas and gradually became lenticular with exploding Holmboe and all kinds of strange lenticular-like shapes like a Chicken Abductee or a Talking Sorting Hat. It took from 9:00 until 11:15. On the gallery I posted two pics of the same scenery taken with an hour in between on which you can see the two different phases.
Asperitas Phase
October 11, 2018 at 2:58 am #302085Michael LerchParticipant
Fronts either coming in or retreating sometimes provide for the multi-layers of wind not all going in the same direction..which produces great displays as the orientation of wind direction changes over the day. You captured a pretty neat day Hans!
Another shot showing the physics that produce Asperitas, existing over two sets of cloud.
Arizona Asperitas #129
October 11, 2018 at 1:07 pm #302170Hans StockerParticipant
Yes, you are right Michael, it was a pretty neat day. The show lasted three or four hours. The asperitas was followed in that timeframe by lenticular formation with seemingly some asperitas characteristics leftover. I posted some of those in the Color Thread, for example my favorite ‘Cloudshow’, ‘Soft Clouds’ and the ones with Holmboe. Ever seen something like Cloudshow?
Nice to see two sets of clouds with asperitas on your Arizona Asperitas #129.
Asperitas Phase #2
October 11, 2018 at 5:37 pm #302217Patricia L KeelinParticipant
Love the photos of Asperitas being collected here, Michael and Hans. Layered emotions, subtle mood shifts – poetry in motion! – all captured with keen eyes for composition. Kudos to you both! Send some of those wavy winds my way, if you can?
October 13, 2018 at 5:09 pm #302558Hans StockerParticipant
Thank you Keelin. I know for sure they will come your way too to audition for your camera. The wind already picked up your wish to spread it among the weather gods.
What Will It Bring
October 16, 2018 at 2:25 am #303127Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#130
October 19, 2018 at 2:07 am #303657Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#131
October 25, 2018 at 5:26 am #304955Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#132
October 30, 2018 at 11:52 pm #305967Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas #133
October 31, 2018 at 1:07 pm #306049Hans StockerParticipant
Love these wild waves on #133 that seem to got wrinkled a bit Michael.
Thin Waves
November 1, 2018 at 11:51 am #306227Hans StockerParticipant
November 2, 2018 at 4:41 am #306369Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas #134
November 2, 2018 at 4:20 pm #306467Hans StockerParticipant
Neat soft and smooth blues in #134 Michael.
French Asperitas Unnumbered -
November 5, 2018 at 9:58 pm #307041Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas# 135
November 6, 2018 at 10:30 am #307114Hans StockerParticipant
When People Don’t Look-up They Don’t Know What They Miss
November 17, 2018 at 7:23 pm #309198Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#136
November 18, 2018 at 5:31 pm #309330Hans StockerParticipant
Very smooth Michael.
Is The Moustache Back En Vogue?
November 18, 2018 at 10:31 pm #309390Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#137
November 20, 2018 at 6:24 pm #309786Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#138
November 22, 2018 at 12:48 am #310014Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#139
November 25, 2018 at 8:08 pm #311120Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#140
November 29, 2018 at 1:32 am #311747Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas #141
December 3, 2018 at 8:24 pm #313993Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#142
December 4, 2018 at 1:07 pm #314140Hans StockerParticipant
Last Year August
December 6, 2018 at 11:29 pm #316369Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#143
December 12, 2018 at 11:04 pm #318203Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas# 144
December 13, 2018 at 1:25 pm #318342Hans StockerParticipant
Great view on Asperitas #143 Michael. I noticed that this thread rapidly approaches a new volume (but not yet).
Another B&W one from me spotted in July.
December 19, 2018 at 12:06 am #320518Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas #145
December 19, 2018 at 10:57 am #320585Hans StockerParticipant
No troubles anymore with the login going wonkers Michael?
December 19, 2018 at 6:23 pm #320690Michael LerchParticipant
Hans..Problem went away for a few days but today its back to the ” refresh” to stay logged in from screen to screen..
Arizona Asperitas#146
December 21, 2018 at 5:50 pm #321197Hans StockerParticipant
It seems to be rather unpredictable Michael. Fortunately no problem to post replies so far.
A nice play of light in this one.
December 28, 2018 at 2:51 pm #322558Hans StockerParticipant
The Asperitas Vault
December 31, 2018 at 8:44 pm #323041Michael LerchParticipant
Nice Simplicity Hans!
Arizona Aperitas#147
January 3, 2019 at 5:33 pm #323602Hans StockerParticipant
Thanks Michael.
By the way: I still have to refresh the page content regularly after seemingly getting logged out, but not always.
Like A Cavity
January 11, 2019 at 2:36 am #324837Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#148
January 13, 2019 at 10:11 pm #325278Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#149
January 15, 2019 at 2:12 pm #325569Hans StockerParticipant
Windmills Nowadays
January 24, 2019 at 7:56 pm #327066Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#150
January 25, 2019 at 12:07 pm #327179Hans StockerParticipant
The same event as taken with Nowadays Windmills, but now with a windmill from old times.
January 28, 2019 at 1:06 am #327550Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#151
January 31, 2019 at 7:52 pm #328175Michael LerchParticipant
Arizona Asperitas#152
February 1, 2019 at 10:21 pm #328322Hans StockerParticipant
Just a tip of the old-time Dutch windmill is visible.
February 2, 2019 at 2:08 am #328341Patricia L KeelinParticipant
Congratulations, Michael and Hans! Asperitas Volume I is a completely stunning collection. May the rock and roll ride continue. ~~~
PS: Hans, might you have a spare windmill? I still yearn to see “the CAS Cloud” here in Napa, but so far, no go…
February 9, 2019 at 12:27 am #329361DAVID DOWNSParticipant
Great thread.
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