Music to Watch Clouds By

What’s the perfect music to listen to as you kick back and watch the clouds drift by? These tracks were suggestions by our members. If you’ve got a suggestion for music to watch clouds by – or you’ve created some yourself – let us know and we’ll post it here.

Elif Yalvac (Alef) – ‘Castellanus’

Elif Yalvaç is a 27-year-old sound artist based in Turkey, currently pursuing my MA in Sonic Arts at Istanbul Technical University. This piece comes from an her Cloudscapes EP...

Hoagy Carmichael – ‘Ole Buttermilk Sky’

Hoagy Carmichael composed this song in 1946.

Oliver Poole – ‘Altitude’

‘Altitude’ is composed and performed by Oliver Poole, who was awarded "the most talented young pianist in Europe" from age seven...