What’s the perfect music to listen to as you kick back and watch the clouds drift by? These tracks were suggestions by our members. If you’ve got a suggestion for music to watch clouds by – or you’ve created some yourself – let us know and we’ll post it here.
“Marvellous Clouds” by Cosmo Sheldrake
Addy Linz, Member 64,475 suggested “Marvellous Clouds” by Cosmo Sheldrake, a UK-based composer, producer and live improviser. Running through all his work is a belief that the living world is a noisy and musical place with the power to change how we think, feel, and imagine.
Above Clouds by Jhove
Sienna Gates, Member 64,436 suggested Above Clouds by Jhove for our Music to Watch Clouds by section. She told us “A beautiful, cozy, and warm Lo-Fi beat somehow perfectly expressed by the album’s cover art. It’s very sleepy, but chime-y and unique. I listen to a 24/7 Lo-Fi radio in the background sometimes, and this […]
Cloud 4 – by Brian Eno and Rick Holland
Sabine Lebenstedt, Member 64,298, suggested Brian Eno’s “Cloud 4” for our Music to Watch Clouds by.
Sonatas for Earth
Dan Barstow, Member 41,557 introduced us to the ‘Earth Music Theatre’ which he curates. Each week he features a new movie and in this one he welcomes us to Earth’s orbit, accompanied by three Bach Sonatas transcribed for guitar. Each Sonata features four movements, offering space to reflect and explore the harmony of music while […]
Namer of Clouds by Kitty MacFarlane
Jill Willder, Member 35,562, reminded us of the wonderful Kitty MacFarlane’s song ‘Namer of Clouds’. It’s also prompted us to remember that Kitty interviewed Gavin Pretor-Pinney, Member 001, about clouds for BBC Radio 4’s “Open Country” programme in December 2020.
Fluffy Clouds
Mike Midlo, a muscian sent us the link to a song he wrote a few years ago saying "I thought it might take you up there for a ride in the autumnal cumulonimbus". The song can be found on his record "MidLo: Tow Steps & Waltzes"
Shades of Blue
Dan Barstow, Member 41,557 introduced us to the ‘Earth Music Theatre’ which he curates. Each week he features a new movie and this one is a montage of photos and music, celebrating One Earth – all in shades of blue. Astronauts took these serene and beautiful photos during December 2023, on ISS Expedition 70. All […]
Pathway to the Centre
Dan Barstow, Member 41,557 introduced us to the ‘Earth Music Theatre’ which he curates. Each week he features a new movie with one of the latest being ‘Pathway to the Centre’ which musically describes walking a labyrinth. Set to Bach’s Cello Suite 1 in G Major, performed by harpist Laura Zaerr, the journey takes you […]
“In the Clouds” by Michele Ippolito
Cloud enthusiast Dora Drake, shared 'In the Clouds' an album by Michele Ippolito. Its relaxing 'atmospheric' music is great to listen to whilst watching clouds.