What’s the perfect music to listen to as you kick back and watch the clouds drift by? These tracks were suggestions by our members. If you’ve got a suggestion for music to watch clouds by – or you’ve created some yourself – let us know and we’ll post it here.
“Cloudspotting” by Sylvia Lee
Sylvia Lee, a singer-songwriter from Hamburg, Germany, recently sent us this song she wrote about Cloudspotting which was inspired by her love of the sky.
One Earth: Soaring Cello + Soprano as we fly over Mediterranean clouds
This lovely Earth movie combines heart-felt Bach music with a dream-like flight over clouds and night lights, from Ireland to Saudi Arabia and features movie taken by astronauts on the ISS. The music is Bach’s “Komm in Mein Herzenshaus” (Come into my Heart’s House), the 4th movement of “Ein Feste Burg is Unser Gott” (A […]
‘Move the Clouds’ by Shadowfax
Don Hatfield, supporting member 42854, recently proposed 'Move the Clouds' by Shadowfax for the 'Music to Watch Clouds By' section of our website.
Earth Movie Theatre – Watch Earth from space
Dan Barstow, Member 41,557 and Education Mission Specialist at the Association of Space Explorers introduced us to the ‘Earth Movie Theatre’. Working with world-class musicians they combine music with ISS moves of Earth. This video shows a flight path along Peru, Chile and Atlantic Coast – such a peaceful flight accompanied by the guitar of […]
“How Sweet to be a Cloud”
Casey Clapp, Member 62,659 has suggested “How Sweet to be a Cloud ” by a group called “The United States of America” for our Music to Watch Clouds by section.
If There Was No Gravity by Air Liquide
“Air Liquide” are German electronic music producers. This is a track from their album “Nephology” (the study of clouds) called “If There Was No Gravity”. It was suggested to us by cloud enthusiast Elias Brandorff.
Prelude in C – welcomes you to Namibia
Dan Barstow, Member 41,557 and Education Mission Specialist at the Association of Space Explorers introduced us to the ‘Earth Movie Theatre’. From Earth orbit, listen to Bach’s flowing Prelude in C, as you watch Earth below – clouds over the Atlantic and the land of Namibia. Stunning! Harpsichord by world-class Bob van Asperen. Earth photography […]
“The Big Sky” by Kate Bush
Casey Clapp, Member 62,659 has suggested “The Big Sky” by Kate Bush for our Music to Watch Clouds by section. It’s from her album “Hounds of Love”.
See Yourself as a Cloud
Angela Winter, member 53,244, release an original song in September 2021 - one that was inspired by a quote that was shared in one of our regular newsletters.