June 2013

Marathon Man

This month’s choice is taken from one of our favourite parts of the Cloud Appreciation Society photography gallery, the Clouds That Look Like Things section. The Cumulus cloud, photographed by Phil Holmes over John-O-Groats, Scotland, the most northern settlement in Britain, has risen in a tower shaped like a Marathon runner. Presumably the runner is setting off on an ambitious fundraiser to Britain’s most southern point, Lands End in Cornwall.

Photograph © Phil Holmes.

10 thoughts on “June 2013”

  1. radiometeolibera says:


  2. Richard Jones avatar MR PLEASANT says:

    He’s on cloud ‘9’ !

  3. Trudy Blows avatar Trudy Blows says:

    someone running – they might be trying to catch that bird just in front of them – or maybe they just released the bird and they are just running..

  4. Anonymous says:


  5. Brenda says:


  6. Charlynne Boucher avatar Charlynne says:

    Definitely an astronaut. Congrats on an excellent photo, Phil Holmes.

  7. rovingeyeuk says:

    It’s ASIMO from Honda.

  8. gl says:

    Or simply a floating duck

  9. Elaine Ford avatar ElaineRoseFord says:


  10. pete r. says:


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