The Yukon Aurora

In September of last year, George Preoteasa, Member 41,445, travelled to Whitehorse, Yukon.  Although the  aurora was the main attraction, he found that the Yukon is stunning.

He told us:  “as you know, I take timelapse pictures and turn them into movies, so of course I have one from this trip. The aurora was let’s say, subdued, not as powerful as when we were in Yellowknife, but I managed to get some reasonably good clips, I think. What I really like about them is how the clouds roll in and cross over”.

2 thoughts on “The Yukon Aurora”

  1. Ruth Quist avatar RUTH QUIST says:

    George, very inspiring video. I think I need to make a trip to the Yukon, such beauty.

    1. Sarah Sturgis avatar Sarah Sturgis says:

      Ditto to Ruth’s comment.

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