The New York Times Magazine recently published an informative – and at times, moving – feature by Jon Mooallem about the Cloud Appreciation Society. Read the online version to discover how the Society came about and to learn of our efforts to have a new type of cloud accepted by the World Meteorological Organisation. Bear in mind, however, that the story ends in tears…

New York Times Magazine Feature
May 11, 2016
Mary Lou, it is great to have you onboard. Welcome to the Society!
Became a new CAS member last week and am now receiving my daily cloud pictures. Happy to say they are incredibly amazing. Have started my own personal ‘Clouds” book. Also forwarding to friends and family so they will begin to enjoy “cloudy days”.
I did read the Cloud Society article in last Sunday’s NYT and found it a thrilling read. A longtime cloud enthusiast, i now feel so very secure knowing i’m no longer a ‘loner’ in the Cloud Department. Thanks so much for “showing me the way”. I am now a happy member of the Cloud Appreciation Society and am very grateful.