Azhy Chato Hasan is Cloud Appreciation Society Member 1687. He was our first member in Iraq and he lives in Arbil City, in the northern region of Kurdistan. Azhy joined the society in January 2006 but his certificate did not arrive until the end of July. This was not because we were behind on our mailouts, but because he had to wait for the package to be brought over from the UK by a friend of a friend.
Azhy is head of the Amateur Astronomer’s Association of Kurdistan, of which he has made society founder Gavin Pretor-Pinney an honorary member. We are pleased that he is a member of The Cloud Appreciation Society since we fear that most astronomers hate the clouds.
You are my hero! My name is also Azhy and when I searched at google you were the first one I saw. Ilive in Sweden and I can fix you a passport if you want one! Call me + 46 0708934653 if you’re intrested