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One thought on “A hint of iridescence in lenticularis over the Sawatch Range in Colorado, US.”

  1. Rebecca Hill avatar says:

    Beautiful picture, Mark!

    Definitely a nice mid-spring afternoon picture looking from a view-point over the vast, green, monochrome-coloured pine forests of Colorado, USA towards the spectacular Sawtooth Mountain Range, still with plenty of winter snow on the tops.

    The sky is interesting, with plenty of mid-high altocumulus cloud up there(looks a lot more like high cirrus cloud to me) and a few darker-coloured, lenticular ones there as well, their edges shining with an iridescent hew. Their shape almost appear distorted as the air currents stretch them from side to side to different parts of the sky at different times. Can’t see any halo around the sun, as it usually occurs when there is high-level cloud in the sky and the sun shines on the ice crystals in the clouds and creates the rainbow colours.

    From Rebecca Hill, Canberra, Australia

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