From Year 4 at Longfields Primary School, Bicester, UK

who are 9 years old, and spent each day of a week on a cloud watch, as part of a writing project.

Cloud Watching by Year 4

On Monday the clouds were
Pasted onto the sky
Grey like an elephant’s skin.
A smooth blanket completely covering the sky
Hardly moving, staying steady
Frozen by the Ice Queen’s spell.

On Tuesday the clouds looked like squirty cream on a pale calm sea,
Like cotton wool ripped apart
Like there’d been an earthquake,
Like ice floes on a cold sea.
Sunshine made a lightning through the cracks
Like glitter shining through paper,
Like mini stars in a puff of white smoke.

On Wednesday the clouds were see through like tracing paper,
Spread apart, standing out, making feathered shapes.
The clouds looked like surf breaking on the blues sea,
Sky like a clean swimming pool with frothy bubbles,
Sun, strong and bright making us squint.

On Thursday the clouds were like a bowl of Neapolitan ice cream,
Layered in shades of misty grey.
In the distance a cloud floats like a grey, watery melon.
Sky like a tissue,
Blues escaping from the grey, misty edge.

The end of the week was Friday.
Clouds like distant mountains
Quickly disappeared,
Breaking free behind the houses
Leaving the sky empty like a warm Caribbean sea.

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