From Nick Houvras.

The Clouds, Sky and… ALL I SEE!

I see your beauty high and low
I see the clouds and bugs you blow about
and neither sends a shout, hey watch out.
I see your beauty everywhere.
Night and day shining bright.
The sun and moon and everything light.
Who is to say that this is rare, for in the universe
is any of this to spare?
I see you two embrace and never give a hoot to
the plane that passes by. Not a recognition or a cry.
Get back and look at all I see and then come home and you tell me,
Dad, your just imagining all you see.

© Nick Houvras, 2008

There are clouds full of remorse and cry all day.
humans are the same in many ways.
I sat next to two republicans who didn’t feel any remorse for killing one million people in Iraq!
What is it? A kind of asking for forgiveness for ones wrongdoing!
Should all of America feel this remorse? Don’t know?
Then one should ask, remorse for What?
The answer; two million Vietnamese killed for a lie a president told to the people of America.
Remorse! What, more remorse? Yes, do we feel it?
What for this time?
More lies from three other presidents!
Who? What? When?
Who? Well, Bush’s one and two, and Bill Clinton in the middle.
What? The death of over one million Iraq’s !
When, from 1988 to 2008 and beyond, over 20 years of killing for What?
Let me list the reasons: Oil, Oil, Oil, Oil, Oil, Oil….
And Vietnam?
For building a stronger industrial military complex for one state.
For one state? Yes, for one state.
Now back to clouds that cry all day.
shouldn’t we all be crying too, like the clouds we have no memory and just go on.
One cloud was a question mark asking me why?
I don’t know and I can’t say, I’ll take my leave and cry all day.

© Nick Houvras, 2008
Two Eyes

Two eyes and a head what else do I see?
They are in the clouds looking down at me.
Who put them there and why,
perhaps the answer is a mystery.

© Nick Houvras 2007.

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