Forum Replies Created
Patricia L KeelinParticipant
Hans, drifting back to your “something completely different”, I’ve been wanting to tell you how I was swept away with your image there. It had for me the emotional quality of spirits lifting. Then the sway and play of Michael’s cleverly titled Meandering Sunset or A Slipped Dusk had me ready to dance at all costs.
And thank you, Hygge, for pointing out another face in Han’s Etching. I’d been out of town for a few days with only a cell phone for viewing and at first glance, a larger face emerged on the tiny screen. It is facing forward with two dark horizontal areas for eyes, the mouth clearly in place beneath a hint of nose. I completely missed the smaller face in profile you described until I viewed the image later on a larger screen. As happens so often, the more one looks, the more one sees.
Just catching up now with all of these lovely new additions to the thread.
Ball of Yarn
Patricia L KeelinParticipantThank you for your comments and the interesting links, Hygge. Your mention of the ability to see complex shapes reminds me of a relaxing morning I spent years ago sitting on a lanai with an old friend in Hawaii. Our conversation drifted and morphed along with the skyful of cumulus clouds above us. I kept pointing out fantastic figures as they took shape while my friend would nod and say, “Oh yes, I see that now”. After several instances of this, she exclaimed, “And there’s a bowling ball!”. I believe there’s an old Peanuts cartoon that describes a similar scenario. The funny thing is, every once in awhile, I see her “bowling ball” roll by — a perfect little round cloud like the one towards the bottom of the left-hand photo below. I try to catch these instances with a quick photo to send to her. Most recently, however, I sent her the right-hand image below, claiming I was just a bit late with the camera and her ball had just passed through. I’ve never seen a cloud shape like this before, have you? This one looks like it’s grown a couple of legs and feet for a walk across the sky.
<span style=”color: #000000; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px;”> </span>
Patricia L KeelinParticipantThank you for this new, fun topic, Hygge! Below is the CAS Cloud A Day photo for 17 January 2017, an image from NASA’s AIM spacecraft of the sky above Antarctica. I gasped when I first saw it as it reminded me of an usual photo I’d taken back in May 2016. To my whimsical mind, it had the look of a Piggy in PJs (onesies with snaps down the front), standing upright and balancing a small cloud on his snout (as outlined in image on the right). How endlessly entertaining the skies above can be.
Patricia L KeelinParticipantAnd here’s a thicker blanket to enjoy a nap with while we dream up more cloudscapes. (If you’d like to have it in a soft sky blue color, see the Not B&W thread.)
Patricia L KeelinParticipantNo doubt Turner would have liked your view very much, Hans. It feels so restful to my eyes, I’d like to carry it into my next dream. And here’s a nice soft blanket for the nap.
Blue Blanket
Patricia L KeelinParticipantThese images are electrifying all the way down. I am loving this dance! More music comes to mind.
Hans, I’ve not used the Cloudspotter app yet, but will give it a try today to see what happens.
Patricia L KeelinParticipantThe information shared here is helpful in many ways, so Thank You, Michael and Hans, for All of this. Even though I have only an iPhone 5 for photographing, the approach and attitudes you both share are training my eye in new ways. Here is a cloudscape we might all enjoy “darting around” in.
Patricia L KeelinParticipantSome lacy lacunosus here today and what looks like a little smile in the lower left corner.
Patricia L KeelinParticipantOffshore Breeze
Patricia L KeelinParticipantBlack and White Volume I was fantastic — Thank you to all! Michael, your final offering to the first collection reminds me of the Zen koan about the sound of one hand clapping. It was the perfect finale to keep us inspired. And Hans, you’ve started us off with quite an evocative image. Here’s to continuing the dance…
Patricia L KeelinParticipantAh! There’s my brain! And thanks, CAS crew for fixing the upload glitch.
Patricia L KeelinParticipantPatricia L KeelinParticipantOops! If i only had a brain…. Looks like the Image didn’t post… or maybe my it just floated away? Will need to check with Ian about this.
Patricia L KeelinParticipantThank you for widening my eyes and sparking my brain! The cloud varieties and wind effects (Crow and Holmboe) you’ve been describing recently are new to me, and your comments just make we want to learn more. I imagine my brain synapses firing to match some of the images I’ve seen here — like Hans’s Barbed Wire near the top of this thread.
Here’s my brain still in formation…
Patricia L KeelinParticipantTalk about instabilities. My heart leaps all over the place when I look at such remarkable images. Thank you for sharing these!