Cloud Look Alikes

Cloud Look Alikes

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    • #198761
      Howard Brown avatarHoward Brown

      Thank you to Hans for pointing out the Cloud a Day Archive in the footings which I had not known about. I thought these two clouds were quite similar

      Sir Harold Hillier Gardens and Arboretum

      My thanks also to Laura Simms for that Saturday Cloud.

      So – do you know of two similar clouds (perhaps context plays a part here)?

    • #198772
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Thank you for this new, fun topic, Hygge! Below is the CAS Cloud A Day photo for 17 January 2017, an image from NASA’s AIM spacecraft of the sky above Antarctica. I gasped when I first saw it as it reminded me of an usual photo I’d taken back in May 2016. To my whimsical mind, it had the look of a Piggy in PJs (onesies with snaps down the front), standing upright and balancing a small cloud on his snout (as outlined in image on the right). How endlessly entertaining the skies above can be.

      Clouds Look Alikes

    • #199244
      Howard Brown avatarHoward Brown

      Keelin, I have a ‘like’ for your Piggy in PJs from Hillier Education. There is a word which escapes me for seeing shapes within complex patterns – you must be good at it.

      Something you wrote last month and media pix of the LA floods made me wonder about the state of the CA drought. This link says it’s the groundwater that takes most time to recover

    • #199622
      Howard Brown avatarHoward Brown

      As moderator Andrew Pothecary once said, it is fascinating where these threads can lead.

    • #200085
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Thank you for your comments and the interesting links, Hygge. Your mention of the ability to see complex shapes reminds me of a relaxing morning I spent years ago sitting on a lanai with an old friend in Hawaii. Our conversation drifted and morphed along with the skyful of cumulus clouds above us. I kept pointing out fantastic figures as they took shape while my friend would nod and say, “Oh yes, I see that now”. After several instances of this, she exclaimed, “And there’s a bowling ball!”. I believe there’s an old Peanuts cartoon that describes a similar scenario. The funny thing is, every once in awhile, I see her “bowling ball” roll by — a perfect little round cloud like the one towards the bottom of the left-hand photo below. I try to catch these instances with a quick photo to send to her. Most recently, however, I sent her the right-hand image below, claiming I was just a bit late with the camera and her ball had just passed through. I’ve never seen a cloud shape like this before, have you? This one looks like it’s grown a couple of legs and feet for a walk across the sky.

      Screen Shot 2017-03-14 at 9.36.42 PM

      <span style=”color: #000000; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px;”> </span>

    • #200164
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      A regular walking crescent I would say Keelin. Very special.


      I don’t know whether posting this cartoon is allowed, but I couldn’t resist….

      • #200378
        Howard Brown avatarHoward Brown

        Sure it is allowed, Hans. I have seen this before on the forum, and Keelin has somewhere – it is memorable. We are allowed a bit of fun between the serious business of cloud spotting.

        Why did Charlie Brown say ‘ducky and horse’ rather than ‘ducky and gee-gee’ (which is in the OED)?

        Keelin says ’round’ of that right hand cloud, whereas Hans sees a crescent. I can sympathise with both. It seems vortex like – I wonder if our horse shoe expert would care to comment?

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