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  • in reply to: Asperitas The CAS Cloud Vol 7 #635477
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    This one is pretty neat no matter how you look at it.

    Arizona Asperitas #136


    • This reply was modified 1 week, 3 days ago by Michael Lerch avatarMichael.
    in reply to: Asperitas The CAS Cloud Vol 7 #635402
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    Arizona Asperitas#135


    in reply to: Asperitas The CAS Cloud Vol 7 #635313
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    I discovered a run of photos that I have no record of processing   from Feb.2023. Asperitas are included. So below is the first to be posted.

    Arizona Asperitas#134


    in reply to: Asperitas The CAS Cloud Vol 7 #635238
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    ..another nomination for Best Solo Asperitas Performance..

    Arizona Asperitas#133


    in reply to: Asperitas The CAS Cloud Vol 7 #635173
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    Here is a nomination for Best Solo Performance of Asperitas..

    Arizona Asperitas#132



    in reply to: Sunrises and Sunsets VolXl #635057
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    Thanks and  nice sunset Donatella!..Water and clouds  are always a match.  The line of cloud suggests a front coming through.

    The orange spider webs de-evolved in to red fractus over a few minutes.

    Arizona Sunset#1110




    in reply to: Asperitas The CAS Cloud Vol 7 #635050
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    Hans,Both are loosing in the courts..so far. The day Donlione  challenges law enforcement to…”who you got thats gonna arrest me?”   or  calls for militia to protect him from feds arresting him.. have moved up on the list of probabilities . Musk gonna be the richest man alive behind bars if he doesn’t  cut it out now..

    Arizona Asperitas# 131



    in reply to: Asperitas The CAS Cloud Vol 7 #634972
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    btw…I’ll be taking time off from the internet as a remodel project begins early next week.  Its not due to anything President Musk might be pulling.. That also explains  why Im doubling up on posting…

    Arizona Asperitas #130


    in reply to: Sunrises and Sunsets VolXl #634967
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    Yep bring on Olde Sol and start warming up the joint Ruth!  The consequences of  having two 120f+ summers in a row is becoming stark in the Valley. Dead trees abound and are keeping the tree specialists  busy. I’ve noticed..trees in a cluster don’t have dead ones amongst them. Solo trees appear easy victims .   The only tree that should be in front of homes and in city parks is cactus like the saguaro, fast growing palo verde and the mesquite…I’ll give the Upper Sonoran Desert that much. Anything else fails and it’s best to have trees in great shape going in cause they will probably be the only ones surviving if we have a 3rd  120f+ summer .  So here is a sunset  to warm your hands..btw, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, heralding 6 more weeks of winter for those inclined  to take advice from a fat and groomed rodent.

    Arizona Sunset #1109



    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 2 days ago by Michael Lerch avatarMichael.
    in reply to: Asperitas The CAS Cloud Vol 7 #634856
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    I captured the Asperitas wind in the act below.  The dark line ,mid right,  is a ridge of cloud  being bullied by a blast of wind that is pushing around cloud .  The wind has removed a good portion of the canopy behind the ridge. look at it upside down if you have to.. The bright  highlites spots are where the cloud canopy has  been blown away  and now light is allowed thru.. The wind turns the  canopy  in to fractus from the top down.  So the bright spots are the top of the canopy and  the dark ridges are what is left of the bottom, base, of the canopy…like leftovers on Going Up Day. I can see maybe up to 50% of the cloud has been removed and it didn’t fall as rain…It was sent on its way as fractus…And its my estimation that this shot took place over central Phoenix.. I haven’t seen Asperitas over central Phoenix . Most  “weather” that makes it to Phoenix gets torn up by the rising heat columns coming off the city..btw..a section of town ( central area) painted their streets white with a  new kind of tar.  supposed to reflect the heat  instead of storing the heat like regular road tar does..so cooler nights and over the long term..perhaps cooler days as well..Wouldn’t that be wild..cooler section of town draws Asperitas to it..


    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 3 days ago by Michael Lerch avatarMichael.
    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 3 days ago by Michael Lerch avatarMichael.
    in reply to: Asperitas The CAS Cloud Vol 7 #634764
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    You’ve already seen a version of this one once. See if you can identify it by  seeing an upside down version of it.

    Arizona Asperitas#128


    in reply to: Color Thread Volume XVI #634757
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    We’re back in the low 80s. Thats the kind of simplicity I like to see.  and yes, a tip of the cap every congestus should see…brr  Ruth, Fresh snow!

    Arizona Color #180


    in reply to: Asperitas The CAS Cloud Vol 7 #634661
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    Well so much for 97 cent pineapples..anyway, the one below should be dragged to desktop and then  exploded as far as you can..as with all of these shots..Made large is   a lot of fun.  just like looking at these pics upside down, either you or the pic, hopefully the pic,..is a lot of fun..

    Arizona Asperitas#127


    in reply to: Cloudscapes Volume VIII #634533
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    I saw your shot through the clouds in the Gallery Donatella. You are having a great return!

    Another Arizona Cloudscape


    in reply to: Sunrises and Sunsets VolXl #634433
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    Thanks Ruth!Lots of snow there in the shadows.Its going to be a good spring.

    Arizona Sunset#1108


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