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  • in reply to: Asperatus? #166460
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    George..When in doubt, I generally look at the photo or even real life,,upside down. The pockets, waves, holes,undulations etc, that consist of the ” mixed up”, “agitated” “aerated” “stirred” connotations of Asperitus , become easily seen for some reason ( a flat surface from which all diverse, maybe?) when viewed upside down. Actually the upside down view is a good habit for viewing all clouds and Illustration Art as Well..imho.

    in reply to: sometimes it looks like it was a fake #166204
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    The basics are there,,just not in a realistic fashion..CLOUDS!

    in reply to: Two Suns at sunrise? #166202
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    James, Just can’t wait for the new Star Wars movie can you?…btw,,whatever you do, don’t post the pic on twitter or facebook..We’ll be invaded by aliens within minutes.

    in reply to: The Next Cloud #163913
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    Thanks Gentlemen! I took this pic not quite a year ago. I can still remember my thoughts on it,,unique juxtaposition of directions with the undulation on the mid right side,,kind of explaining the physics..Winds in different direction at various altitudes. I still feel this is nature expressing it self..or Natural Expression..that maybe humans are growing away from further and further..Yet I put the shot thru digital processing and edit it to my needs and wants..oh well..Whats Next? i took that pic almost a year ago. So all the pics I’ve taken between then and now are whats next. Thanks Again!

    in reply to: sometimes it looks like it was a fake #163909
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    Maribel..Yes I do have Sunset and Sunrise shots that are so over the top, they look fake. I Live in Phoenix Arizona. They made a Sun set/rise part of the State Flag. So there is a certain amount of pride with our set/rises. And with that comes the outrageous and gaudy,,which I kno from experience to be real, but the colors are just …gaudy. One can dial the saturation dowm during the processing of the pic. Or as I’ve been working on..go with the outrageous. Since the color is beyond the normal parameters,,then why not the perspective or construction of the shot be different? Being creative with the outrageous is what I Suggest. Below is photo of a sunset I took years ago. I tried to do a Rothko version of it.Imho the Sunset is almost gone and the abstraction has become real..CLOUDS!

    in reply to: UK Contrail Day 16AUG16 #163151
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    ..hhmm..There is ” twist” to the contrail “pole’..oh well.

    in reply to: UK Contrail Day 16AUG16 #162061
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    Heres a barber pole one for you hygge

    in reply to: Surreal Lenticular #161733
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    hygge,,Thanks! the wind dynamics alone are enough to ponder for a good long time as they create undulations 90 degrees opposed to already created undulations.

    in reply to: Old face in the sky #158115
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    Hans, nice!,,The wind is having fun sculpting the cloud!

    in reply to: Cloud before Typhoon Nepartak #153291
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    Daniel , I Trust you and yours are well. Monsoon season here in the desert is best time for cloud spotting. But even here weather can be dangerous. Micro-Bursts that can break telephone poles, hail, local flooding and lightning make for serious cloud spotting.

    in reply to: Just B&W #153288
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    Hans..Nice echo of undulatus in the middle.Subtle indeed!

    in reply to: Mack The Cloud #152215
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    Thanks Noctilucy!..I had just about given up on thinking of a title for the shot,began to mentally walk away from it, when it just popped into my head. Of Course, Weill/Brecht Classic!

    in reply to: Soft Textures #149066
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    Thank You Hans! Thin undulations are fascinating especially in black and white. I never see with my own eyes what black and white pulls out of the clouds. In my attempt to give clouds an ” Organic” flavor ,these thin layered undulations give unexpected dimensions

    in reply to: Soft Textures #148829
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch


    in reply to: Soft Textures #148828
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch


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