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  • in reply to: Listening #187558
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    Clouds Sound Like A Spiders Web Trespassed By a Dandelion Seed.

    in reply to: Here is another UFO … #187282
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    George,, Good Eye! May you chance upon many more wonders and mysteries! Thats my point. Yes there is all the classification ..with grades of 1-10 for each genera,species and variety, yet its all in movement and transition. Seconds separate true and false. The little cloud is no where near the same in a minute. It appears to me to be within seconds of condensing out of atmosphere. Little And very young. Somewhat transparent gives it age,imho. Therefore I’d assume its on its way to cumulus as around it. Perhaps a cumulus humilis would fit as a classification.

    in reply to: A Little Fun With Perspective #187005
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    Yes, I am fascinated by how undulations juxtaposed by nature create texture, depth, space, and direction in 2 dimensional photographs. Thanks Hans!

    in reply to: Fog Dome close to the ground #185888
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    dec2015b1480L, Green/CAS

    Attached is a similar phenom I caught some time ago sliding across north Phoenix. The sight connected to the darker tones of ” Mystery”. within me. By the time I got the camera on it, it was being teased by updrafts. Yes, of course a local fog bank cut loose from its moorings.

    in reply to: How to add an image to a post #185702
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    Well Darn,,,the Visual Tab is not present to click on. The former template is all I am Seeing

    in reply to: November's Cloud #185263
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    hygge,,,there is a small overlap or congruence amongst this thread. November’s Cloud of the Month is basically the Vortices created by modern wingtips on jet airliners. These vorices create nodules or tuffs that became visible in the Cloud of the Month Photo,,protruding under a layer of stratus near an airport. Well, my B&W shot also has those incremental ” tuffs” or nodules spaced along the contrail..
    Ian just showed us that the mystery object wasn’t a ” tuff’,,unless theres a bird that is so named, a blue footed Tuff?? ..anyway, it was a bird not a vortice ona contrail. Funny thing is, Ive had so many birds fly into so many of my pics, when I saw the original photo I took it as a bird without much mystery. I am of firm belief that these digital cameras , SLRS at lest,,produce very high frequencies that beckon birds from afar.

    in reply to: How to add an image to a post #185261
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    CAS/GPP I am glad to see the new way of adding a photo. Its very much faster. On my first attempt to add a photo I did encounter an issue or two. I hope to add a few comments to help any others wishing to add a photo to a post.

    Proper Sequencing of the steps taken appears to be important. I found adding text first, then adding picture to the post works. Adding Photo then adding text, for whatever reason, got me an error message. So, yes as implied, my experience is text first, THEN add the Picture. I don’t know if one can post a pic without text.

    Uploading a pic is as easy as can be. Click on image uploading should take you to your desktop file at least , where you simply click on the pic file you want uploaded, etc, pretty much like most pic uploading done these days. Yay!

    There are implications not apparent at first. Album seems to have gone the way of glaciers. I assume the restrictions imposed by the ” album” are also gone? The pic I did Just post measures 500×500 (approx) . I aim to keep the size of fotos posted within previous guidelines assuming the parameters still apply. And, I don’t want to abuse the opportunity offered here.

    Thanks for what I consider a good improvement. Its much easier and quicker. I hope the goal of maintaining speed and access here has been reached and stabilized.. Thanks again!


    in reply to: Deteriorating Altocumulus Stratiformus Perlucidus #181959
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    Thanks hygge, This photo below demonstrates the transition from the original strong formation to the weaker manifestation so well ,I’ll name in your honor, ” Hygge Fortiori” . From left , northwest, to right, east south east you can see the transition, deteriorating, and the thinness of the blanket as well. The size of the field perhaps 2 miles by 3 miles seemed rather odd; I’m use to big fields of altcu str. So the event was a bit unique in many ways and reminded me how the mundane can evolve into something special.

    in reply to: Sometimes Clouds #178682
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    hygge.. Its a B& W from start..It hasn’t transistioned well.Kinda of soft but the original sky was soft as well. A Large reproduction shows less soft tho. The movement still catches my eye.

    in reply to: Waterfall Clouds #176651
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    Thanks hygge…We have more days without clouds than with..but, when they do show up, its a celebration.

    in reply to: Inspirational Cloud #170759
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    hygge…Sure,its all in the physics. Moisture has to be in the atmosphere, which in the desert here, doesn’t always seem to be true. So opposing or counter air currents can be present and yet no waves made .Yes, they would be invisible. I try to see the sky in the desert here as populated by ” blobs” of moisture. There can be two towers of soaring nimbus, seemingly close together, yet only one produces pileaus, as an example. Lenticulars seem to me to travel in groups or areas. etc..A Cloud Mobile,,of undulatus rather than the fluffy cumulus..mite be interesting.

    in reply to: sometimes it looks like it was a fake #167459
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    Another Arizona Sunset I Stumbled Upon

    in reply to: Asperatus? #166460
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    George..When in doubt, I generally look at the photo or even real life,,upside down. The pockets, waves, holes,undulations etc, that consist of the ” mixed up”, “agitated” “aerated” “stirred” connotations of Asperitus , become easily seen for some reason ( a flat surface from which all diverse, maybe?) when viewed upside down. Actually the upside down view is a good habit for viewing all clouds and Illustration Art as Well..imho.

    in reply to: sometimes it looks like it was a fake #166204
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    The basics are there,,just not in a realistic fashion..CLOUDS!

    in reply to: Two Suns at sunrise? #166202
    Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

    James, Just can’t wait for the new Star Wars movie can you?…btw,,whatever you do, don’t post the pic on twitter or facebook..We’ll be invaded by aliens within minutes.

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