Vote for a cloud you might like – 10 photos – BBC Weather Watchers

Vote for a cloud you might like – 10 photos – BBC Weather Watchers

Forums The Cloud Forum Vote for a cloud you might like – 10 photos – BBC Weather Watchers

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    • #446499
      Laurence Green avatarLaurence Green

      Here is an invitation from the BBC’s Weather Watchers website to cast a vote upon 10 very nice cloud photos featuring the summer season.

      You do not need to be a BBC Weather Watcher  in order to cast a vote.  You are able to cast one vote only.

      Voting started on 7 September and goes onto 13 September.  Result of the voting is scheduled to appear on the BBC’ Weather Watchers website on 15 September.

      Here is the link to cast your vote:-


      I would have posted this information much earlier but PC problems, now resolved (hopefully?!?) have prevented me.

      Of the 10 photos I cast my vote for the 6th photo – the beautiful Cirrus.


    • #446591
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Thank you, Laurence! Those are ten beautiful photographs. Alas, being outside the UK, I could not cast an official vote. Were I able, my choice would be the fogbow over the sea. The serenity and freshness of it is so appealing, especially these days with fires burning up the western states here. The sky has been a featureless, yellow-ash-grey for weeks now, deeply disquieting and disheartening. So grateful for all the firefighters who demonstrate bravery beyond words, and also for the generosity of CAS and its forum members whose sharing never fails to uplift the spirit!

    • #446597
      Don Hatfield avatarDon Hatfield

      Laurence – Although I am partial to the cloudbow and the lightening/double rainbow, I would have to vote on the cap clouds photo. They are facinating to me, perhaps because, here in the flatland part of Texas, we don’t ever see anything like that.  Our skies are predominately featureless, and boring, clear blue skies.

    • #446606
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      Laurence..Yes No1 , cap clouds , is my favorite shot.. the  most mysterious.,surreal.

    • #446637
      Laurence Green avatarLaurence Green

      Dear all

      Thanks for your participation and I am glad my posting met with your gladness.  Must say, I found it quite difficult to select the one I liked.  That is what I like about voting for a cloud.  It teases one nicely.

      Dear Keelin,  my thoughts – anxious at that – about the awful fires burning in your country, California and now Oregon, are with you.  I sincerely hope you are ok and all that you know and love.  The damage to trees, vegetation and wildlife really saddens me in the same way as oil spills occurring on our oceans.

      Take care and keep safe!


    • #446643
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Thank you, Laurence, for your kind and caring thoughts. Feeling so fortunate to be in a safe area and able to help others in need. I keep imagining how healthy and vibrant the earth, oceans and sky would be if we put our hearts and energies into protecting it. Seeing the beauty of clouds here on the CAS forum, the countless colors and infinite shapes they take on as they dance around the world we share, is a daily infusion of bright hope for a more peaceful planet and people.

      cloud lovers we are
      mesmerized by their beauty
      always looking up

    • #446882
      Laurence Green avatarLaurence Green

      Dear all

      The big vote – guess which photo took the first choice?

      Here is the result, as promised, of the BBC Weather Watcher photo competition – released today (15 September).

      Trumpets playing and big drums banging:-  “Dah-dah!!!”. !

      Must say, the winner almost got my vote but I voted for the Cirrus clouds which I have a loving for.  I thank you all for your participation.

      Best wishes.





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