Optical Phenomenon or Sunrise?

Optical Phenomenon or Sunrise?

Forums The Cloud Forum Optical Phenomenon or Sunrise?

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    • #532178
      Nigel Okey avatarNigel Okey

      Hi All, I found myself stuck between these two topics with the attached pic, which is of an early-morning rainbow.  Intriguingly it shows just how reddened the light of the sun has been by its passage through the atmosphere, having red-orange-yellow hues but totally lacking the green-blue, shorter wavelength light.  Detail: photo taken 20/12/2017 in the NE UK, at 08:30 when sunrise was 08:21 (using a smartphone).  I had just got to work.  Just HAD to get the photo, not only for the colours but also for the strong secondary.  Fabulous!


    • #532441
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      That’s a great redbow you spotted Dr. No. And, yes it is a pity that the atoptics site isn’t available anymore, now already for some time. I truly hope some alternative will pop-up.

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