Invisible cloud

Invisible cloud

Forums The Cloud Forum Invisible cloud

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    • #87362
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      What You see below was invisible to me when i took the shot. The June mid afternoon sun lit the somewhat lenticular to a brilliant white with no details apparent except for the top and bottom. Experience had told me that there was much to be seen. I bracketed a few shots and sure enough a few on the end of the curve showed much that was hidden from the eye.
      I am fascinated by this way of photographing,,for at least clouds.Mystery is an essential part of the process.The process isn’t over once you press the shutter button. A good image processing software package like Adobe Lightroom helps to.Yet, uncovering secrets in the clouds sometimes involves a lot of trust. Being rewarded for trusting, is a good experience.

    • #87391
      Howard Brown avatarHoward Brown

      So, you are re-writing the book here, MikeL: lenticularis asperitas light?

    • #87394
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      hygge..I’m glad You said it first hygge. I was thinking the same. Fascinating that a lenticular can have so much air turbulence. Maybe its just a stratus with a lot of ice in it?Below, is a shot of same but I left in the neighbors TV antenna for scale. Still, a very strange cloud

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