Heads Up: 21AUG2017 Eclipse

Heads Up: 21AUG2017 Eclipse

Forums The Cloud Forum Heads Up: 21AUG2017 Eclipse

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    • #224591
      Howard Brown avatarHoward Brown

      I gather it will be particularly good across the USA and last for 2 minutes?

    • #224599
      George Preoteasa avatarGeorge Preoteasa

      Actually it’s a pretty narrow band for the total eclipse, some 70 miles. It’s advertised as the “great American eclipse” because the totality band crosses the country from west to east. I planned my vacation so that I could cross that band (in Nebraska or Wyoming) on that day, but I am getting nervous. I read everywhere that there will be large crowds who, like me, will want to get in that zone. A huge traffic jam. I hope they’re the usual press exaggerations.

      Of course, a few clouds can mess things up too :-)

    • #224718
      Laurence Green avatarLaurence Green

      Hygge &  Gorge and all others interested in this event.

      You may find the info in the link here useful.  It comes from NASA’s APOD website.  A good map is depicted showing the projected path of the eclipse.

      I hope you find this helpful.




    • #224723
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Peanuts Eclipse

    • #224977
      George Preoteasa avatarGeorge Preoteasa

      Hillarious! It was indeed very hard to find anything 100+ miles outside the totality zone. We were extremely lucky to pick up a cancellation. A small B&B room for $200, normally renting for $50. Free market in action.

    • #225027
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      I hope you will have a good sight on the spectacle George! It must be very special.

    • #225130
      George Preoteasa avatarGeorge Preoteasa

      Thank you, Hans and Laurence!

    • #226857
      Howard Brown avatarHoward Brown

      21AUG2017 (my fourth attempt at this reply which keeps vanishing when I go search or just for no reason)

      Well, here in Hants, UK, where there was but a nibble out of the sun, it was 8/10 cloud cover and I did not even see the sun – DOH! Laurence, thanks for the APOD link. George, you were lucky. On BBC radio a guy knew of the eclipse 9 years ago and booked his hotel room 3 years ago. I hope you were doubly lucky unlike UK weatherman Tomasz Schafernaker who went on holiday to Nashville, TN


      but did not get to see it through cloud, though some nearby did


      I think the US west coast did better but I guess Tomasz went for the longest time.



    • #226876
      George Preoteasa avatarGeorge Preoteasa


      Yes I was lucky. (Still on the road. )

    • #227065
      Hans Stocker avatarHans Stocker

      Congrats George, great impression!

    • #227173
      Howard Brown avatarHoward Brown

      I think you made your own luck, George. Inspirational. Memorable. Spot on.

    • #228090
      Howard Brown avatarHoward Brown


      It has been worrying me since I said above ‘8/10 cloud cover’. Cloud cover is measured in eighths, as was mentioned on my local BBC Radio Solent 22AUG2017.

    • #228110
      George Preoteasa avatarGeorge Preoteasa

      DSC01573Back from my vacation, a few impressions: It was like it was described and anticipated in the various articles. There was some traffic congestion as we approached the totality zone. It did get cooler when the coverage was about 80%. The totality was eerie and magnificent. We had about 2 minutes of it. The corona looks like really bad hair, very asymmetric, stretching out to a distance comparable to the radius of the Sun. Hard to capture on camera, some of the best pictures show it, but not mine. My only regret is that I was too busy taking pictures instead of just looking at it during totality.

      My wife said the whole experience (people streaming to their destinations, all looking at the same thing,the strangeness of the sky) reminded her of the movie Close encounters of the third kind.

      A few pics, starting with the a moment before totality.

    • #228111
      George Preoteasa avatarGeorge Preoteasa

      If you can enlarge it (it’s a 24 megapixels shot) you can see the solar flares as little red spots.


    • #228113
      George Preoteasa avatarGeorge Preoteasa

      While the sky was black (one could see a few stars or planets), the horizon was like after sunset but all around.


    • #228114
      George Preoteasa avatarGeorge Preoteasa

      And the “diamond ring” signals the end of the magic.


    • #228118
      Michael Lerch avatarMichael Lerch

      George,,how cool is that!!  Thanks For Posting the Photos!

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