Climate Change #3
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- This topic has 13 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 5 months ago by
Howard Brown.
January 19, 2021 at 11:22 pm #466052
Howard Brown
ParticipantI started #2 with a well founded fear of President Trump. So I start #3 with great hope for President Biden. Quartz
There are many links out there on Biden and this topic; it will not be easy going.
P.S. Hello again to many friends, long time no see. Life can be like that.
January 20, 2021 at 2:57 am #466065
Michael Lerch
ParticipantHey hygge! The majority of Americans are looking forward rather than wanting to return to the past. Re-joining the Paris Accord is the best first sign that Biden is thinking about the future. Investing in a clean future is important and Biden is moving ahead on creating such a future. May it all come true. In less than 24hrs from now Biden will be President. May his plans for a clean environment and a halt to climate change be unimpeded.
January 22, 2021 at 11:59 pm #466554
Howard Brown
ParticipantHey Michael. I joined CAS 26JAN2007 as #7173 and you joined not long after. You have been a major contributor ever since. Another major for many years was Andrew Kirk east of the Ca Sierras.
January 21, 2021 at 3:30 am #466229
Steven strick
Moderatoroh come on…..politics?? in a cloud forum? Can we not just leave politics out of SOMETHING!?? Just keep your political opinions out of here and go to a political site to voice them.
January 22, 2021 at 11:24 pm #466540
Howard Brown
ParticipantHello, Steven. I hear what you are saying. But Forum topics are not constrained and you do not have to follow each and every one – that’s unity. If you are in to pareidolia so be it.
This topic I consider in the zeitgeist and woke.
January 23, 2021 at 1:47 am #466565
Michael Lerch soon as it is monetized, its political. Back in the day I had a Professor tell me “Clean Air” would soon be monetized. I didn’t believe him. A few years later mandatory air pollution devices on vehicles became law. City, towns, communities became responsible for the quality of the air in their “hood”. Clean Air, the crisp of the blue sky, the clarity of the cloudscapes, sunsets and stars became monetized. We Pay For Clean Air. Now Climate Change is blamed for the extended droughts that bring longer wild fire seasons out here in the west. Being able to “taste” the air I breath is not something I imagined but recently has become actual because of these wildfires.. The ability to put the fires out or even better, reduce the chance of big fires in the first place,,is a direct result of taxes…political will and know how. The clear Big Sky I enjoy out here in the Southwest is not free. Its paid for as taxes on our excesses. That makes our Big Sky out here political.
There are very few clouds I would not enjoy photographing. Tornadoes and pirrocumic I do not enjoy seeing, watching and photographing because I know the reality on ground they leave behind. Taxes don’t do much one way or another on tornadoes except to help after the destruction they cause. But the clouds of smoke from wild fires in California reach to Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and beyond. So Federal Politics become involved. Its not just me in a backyard in Phoenix dealing with the consequences ,its cities and towns, millions of folks across numerous states who have to deal with besooted air and brown skies. Politics just can’t be kept out.
And why shouldn’t we,,anybody, not be aware and make decisions accordingly? Do not our children live in our world and will have to deal with the reality given them ..eventually? Its not just me in my backyard but its generations to come. Why should we give them a future that has no concern for their well being, their enjoyment, their Appreciation.? The only cloud I wish for them to taste is the cool glass of clean water they drink on a summer’s day.
Yes, be unencumbered to enjoy the sky, the clouds, the sunsets and rises, the stars. Enjoy the worry free moments of reality abandonment, but know, such moments are not free of cost. We pay for our sky.
Kind Regards
Mike Lerch
March 16, 2021 at 12:23 am #476324
Howard Brown
ParticipantBUY THIS BOOK
Small Gases, Big Effect by David Nelles and Christian Serrer, self published for 5 Euros in Germany. In UK published by Allen Lane on March 25, 2021, (£7.99).
Climate Change for Beginners is the title of a major review in The Times (UK) Magazine March 13, 2021. Both German authors plan to become climate advisers on graduation this year, perhaps because their short book ‘…has lauded it over the best seller lists in Germany…’.
The review does not mention clouds per se but THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE is summarized in about 17 headings e.g.
“Increased rainfall and flooding.” … higher temperatures allow the air to hold more water vapour … allow more water to evaporate and thus higher precipitation … in an increasingly uneven distribution …
“Tropical cyclones are becoming more severe” as ocean surface temperatures rise.
March 16, 2021 at 11:47 pm #476446
Patricia L Keelin
ParticipantThank you for the fine book suggestion, Hygge. Just recently, I came across the website of Zaria Forman: Perhaps you are familiar with this amazing and dedicated artist? She documents climate change with a heart moving urgency through her stunningly beautiful pastel drawings of magnificent storm clouds, melting ice bergs and rising seas. Many of her works are viewable on the website, which includes a link to her excellent Ted Talk: Drawings that show the beauty and fragility of Earth (10 min). She notes that she always uses her fingers and palms to create these works of wonder. I would say that she is clearly using her heart as well. A quote from her talk: “My drawings celebrate the beauty of what we all stand to lose.”
March 17, 2021 at 10:53 pm #476519
Howard Brown
ParticipantNo, I did not know of Zaria, Keelin but a quick look at your link shows a fantastic Arctic painting – I will check further. Thank you.
This shows why I thought clouds were related to Climate Change (Steve, please note):
April 22, 2021 at 3:26 pm #481980
Howard Brown
ParticipantI just signed up for the Environment Newsletter at:
which gave the link might be interested. But as previously, these links don’t (always) copy to here. Google says
“It means that the (thetimes) website prevented Google from creating a page description, but didn’t actually hide the page from Google.”If, from the second link above having sent off your newsletter request you take the top left ‘Back to today’s edition’ then the home page offers you another interesting article
which has opposing comments below it from Times readers.
April 22, 2021 at 4:24 pm #481995
Howard Brown
ParticipantNo Cloud of Chalk Dust
If you Google ‘Times Dim sun’ (sic) then the second result you get is this article from 8APR2021.
Space agency ditches Scopex plan to dim the sun with dust | News | The Times
which when copied gives:
Space agency ditches Scopex plan to dim the sun … – The Times › article › space-agency-ditche…8 Apr 2021 — Sweden’s space agency has cancelled a project that would have assessed whether humanity could dim the sun and reverse global warming by …
Unfortunately Google has not been able to copy the 8AR2021 link. The link refers to another article in The Times 23MAR2021 ‘Bid to cool Earth with chalk dust’.
May 20, 2021 at 11:35 pm #486732
Howard Brown
ParticipantClimate change ‘behind alarming spread of wildfires’ | News | The Times
Well, there is a picture of cloudy smoke in the above link, trust me. Why does little work these days?
August 2, 2021 at 5:11 pm #496583
Howard Brown
Climate change is referenced way down the text.
September 22, 2021 at 6:29 pm #502408
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