Ambient drift

Ambient drift

Forums The Cloud Forum Ambient drift

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    • #330121
      Howard Brown avatarHoward Brown

      I just heard this term on the radio in a musical context and thought it would be a good title for a Forum thread. This may not be an original thought I find, after a quick Forum search. However, I think it is suitably suggestive more ‘hmm’ than ‘wow’. As so often I look to Andrew Kirk for inspiration

      Photo Gallery

      P.S.  Keelin, in my student days n-dimensional algebraic projective geometry was my bete noir. Not heard of it since….

      ‘H’    hygge

    • #330264
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Love the title of this new topic, Hygge ~ ~ Thanks for launching it! Perfectly fitting for some of favorite cloud formations. Below is one from my archives that left me swaying to some inner melody.

      Thanks also for the term “n-dimensional algebraic projective geometry”. What a mouthful! Too big for my  nescient noggin, but I do love the sound of it. Next stop will be a google search to learn more about it.

      IMG_2086_Mood MusicMood Music

    • #330471
      Howard Brown avatarHoward Brown

      Again I needed F5 (in Windows) to regain the Reply option. Keelin, you are In The Mood.

      This by Andrew Kirk has remained in my memory.

      Photo Gallery

      There is one other alpenglow in the Gallery (which says alpengluhen with accents).

    • #330585
      Howard Brown avatarHoward Brown

      The winner is fine but scroll down half a dozen or so pictures to the horse rider on the beach for my favourite

    • #330871
      Howard Brown avatarHoward Brown

      18FEB2014 from my back garden
      010 (2)

    • #331011
      Howard Brown avatarHoward Brown

      Drifting across the sun this afternoon.DSC_0047DSC_0048

    • #331033
      Patricia L Keelin avatarPatricia L Keelin

      Hygge, so delighted to see your images posted. In the two above, I can imagine the sweet contentment of just watching that slow drift take place.

      IMG_2796_FeatheredDriftFeathered Drift

    • #332407
      Howard Brown avatarHoward Brown

      I recently said in the Cloudspotter Types thread that I didn’t see starlings much these days. but the answer must be they moved north to Yorkshire – global warming no doubt (I’d better add that’s a joke).


    • #332411
      Howard Brown avatarHoward Brown

      Cable car to the clouds

      ‘Amazed by their spectacular new surroundings the group decide to end their time in Vietnam by scaling the summit of its highest mountain. After a terrifying cable car journey, the high altitude means not everyone makes it all the way to top. However, after a hectic stay in the city, the imposing mountain provides the perfect backdrop for the group to reflect on their dizzying time in Vietnam’

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