Clouds never stay still. They're in a state of perpetual transition, mutating from one form to another. This ephemeral, ever-changing quality is part of their beauty. If you have time-lapse video of clouds for this page, upload it to a video hosting site like Vimeo or YouTube and send us a link.
CloudSurf (one)
Cloud Appreciation Society member, Gary McArthur, recently sent us the first of his CloudSurf aerial video series – Flying among the clouds in Tasmania.
Glenrothes Afternoon
Cloud Appreciation Society member, Mike Wragg, sent us this video of clouds forming and breaking up over the village of Leslie in Fife, Scotland. The small hill is the East Lomond, or known locally as Falkland Hill. It was photographed at 2-second intervals from his home in Glenrothes.
Erm, The Netherlands
Cloud enthusiast, Nienke Lantman, recently sent us this video of asperitas clouds taken over Erm, The Netherlands on 31st August 2015.
Augusta Skyline Cloud Shadow
Film-maker, Randy Cantu, recently sent us this short film of the Augusta Skyline.
Somerset clouds film opens our event in London
We were very proud to launch our recent event, Escape to the Clouds, at the Royal Geographical Society in London with this wonderful video filmed in Somerset, UK, by Leander Ward of Wayfarer Media. As a expression of the everyday beauty in our local area, Leander’s film was the perfect way to kick off the […]
Windermere Time Lapse
Cloudspotter, Paul Sharp sent us his video. He says about it “I went for a break in the English Lake District back in late spring this year, and saw a lovely sunset. I put my ipad on the roof of the car and recorded a time lapse of it. I like the way you can […]
Noctilucent Clouds over Penmon Point
Cloud enthusiast, Kevin Lewis, has sent us this timelapse video of Noctilucent cloudes captures on 6th/7th June 2015 from Penmon Point on Anglesey.
Spotted over West Greenland: the new ‘asperitas’ cloud
Laurence Dyke filmed this wonderful time-lapse of asperitas clouds over Disko Island in the west of Greenland. He was a glaciology PhD student at Swansea University at the time, and was in Greenland to attend a summer school for PhD students organised by the University of Bergen, Norway. “The cloud appeared the day we arrived […]
Waterspout from Selsey, UK
Cloud Appreciation Society member, Martin Thomas, has sent us this video of a waterspout seen off the coast of Selsey near Chichester, UK at the end of June 2014.