Clouds never stay still. They're in a state of perpetual transition, mutating from one form to another. This ephemeral, ever-changing quality is part of their beauty. If you have time-lapse video of clouds for this page, upload it to a video hosting site like Vimeo or YouTube and send us a link.
Night Time Lapse
Cloud enthusiast, Katy Snodgrass, has shared this night time time lapse she shot in early November.
Circular Halo in Curitiba, Brazil
Fabiano B Diniz, member 40136 has shared this video of a circular halo in Curitiba, southern Brazil.
Storm Over Tenerife
Roberto Porto captured this timelapse of a storm system over Roque del Conde, Tenerife.
Cloud Lapse
Martin Wace was amazed to see the relatively rapid change in direction of motion of the cloud flow and was pleased to have been able to capture it.
Clouds Up Close
Cloud enthusiast, Marc De Carlo, has shared this video.
Cirrus clouds, up close
Here’s what happens when you send a GoPro camera up into the atmosphere...
Los Fenomenos De Las Nubes
This is a compilation of clouds and atmospheric optics in time lapse sent to us by Roberto Porto.
Wilderness Lake Lightning and Thunderstorm
Gary O Grimm, member number 16302, filmed clouds in real time moving during a thunder and lightning storm near Yellowstone National Park.
A Summer Sky Cloud Time Lapse
Cumulus clouds on a warm day billow across the sky and eventually disperse, accompanied by birdsong