Cloud Videos

Clouds never stay still. They're in a state of perpetual transition, mutating from one form to another. This ephemeral, ever-changing quality is part of their beauty. If you have time-lapse video of clouds for this page, upload it to a video hosting site like Vimeo or YouTube and send us a link.

Cirrus with Sundog

Another wonderful timelapse from Ben Brown-Steiner (member 38053). This time of Cirrus with a Sundog

Horseshoe Vortex

Ben Brown-Steiner (member 38053) captured this rare Horseshoe Vortex whilst in Italy earlier this month

Berndnaut Smilde – Making Clouds

Berndnaut Smilde is a Dutch visual artist who in 2012 created a series of self-made clouds.

Asperitas over Colón, Argentina

Anahí Echazarreta, member 28211, recently sent us this video of an asperitas formation over Colón, Province of Entre Ríos, Argentina that he captured in November 2016.

Tales of Clouds

We were recently sent this time-lapse photography by Ulrich und Valeria (aka Cloudhunt42). It is three years of clouds in five minutes...

Gravity Waves

Cloud enthusiast, Cary Bahora, recently drew our attention to this video asking what the phenomenon shown was called.

Sky Glow Project : Kaibab Elegy

We were recently contacted by Judi Laing who told us about this video that was shot by Harun Mehmedinovic

Noctilucent season is here!

Noctilucent clouds are extremely high ice-crystal clouds that form up in the mesosphere, at altitudes of around 50 miles / 80 km. Their Latin name roughly translates as ‘night shining’. This is because these ghostly rippling clouds only become visible when the Sun is below the horizon for the observer, so that the sky is dark by the sunlight […]

Darwin Northern Territory

Dean Hunt, member 43078, from Perth Western Australia visits Darwin Northern Territory each year to do a little bit of cloud watching and storm chasing.