Gavin Pretor-Pinney

A Cloud Talk in The Lake District

Gavin Pretor-Pinney

Unfortunately, Gavin won't be wearing his 'cloud 9' outfit, complete with fake legs. Sadly, it fell apart after he wore it at a previous talk.

Tomorrow (on Wendesday 7 March) society founder, Gavin Pretor-Pinney, will be giving an illustrated talk about clouds at a literary festival in the Lake District, in the north of England. Part of the Words By The Water festival that is taking place this week in Keswick, Cumbria, the talk will be a guide to spotting clouds. It will teach you to distinguish your Cumulus cloud from your horseshoe vortex cloud, but will also explore one of the greatest pleasures of cloudspotting, finding shapes in the clouds. This aimless pastime was appreciated by one-time Keswick resident, the Romantic poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge: “O! it is pleasant,” he wrote in 1819, “with a heart at ease / Just after sunset, or by moonlight skies, / To make the shifting clouds be what you please”.

Gavin would love to say hello to any cloudspotters who happen to be in the area and free to come along on Wednesday afternoon.

Cloudspotting by Gavin Pretor-Pinney
Wednesday 7 March, 5.15pm
Theatre By The Lake, Lakeside, Keswick, Cumbria, CA12 5DJ.
Ticket price: £7.50
Box Office: 017687 74411
Or go to the Theatre By The Lake website and scroll down to find the talk under “Gavin Pretor-Pinney” to buy a ticket online.

3 thoughts on “A Cloud Talk in The Lake District”

  1. Kay Weeks avatar Kay Weeks says:

    Wish I could be there. I just printed copies of a book that began with a dragon-shaped cloud I saw in Florida, and ended with a book (illustrated by Margaret Scott) called DRAGONCLOUD. Want to share it with you.


  2. Anita Evans says:

    I’m not far from Keswick but won’t make it to the talk unfortunately.
    I think GPP sabotaged that costume so he wouldn’t have to wear it again :)

  3. Michelle says:

    I am so glad for this notice! But is disappointed about I will can´t see that at live. What can I do? Is possible to search it on youtube?

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