Got cloud art to contribute to the Cloud Appreciation Society? Submit in your work and we will be happy to consider sharing it here.
Debbie Wagner
in Kansas USA Visit herwebsite here: Debbie Wagner, a brain tumour survivor, has been painting the sunrise nearly every day since 2005. She continues this practice in gratitude for waking up one more day. Looking to the morning sky is a powerful way to start the day, showing all of us how the sky […]
Wendy Harris
in Syracuse, New York, USA Visit her website here:
Savannah Gordon
in Plymouth, UK Cloud Sculpture and installations Visit her tumblr here:
Rebecca Finch
in Frome, Somerset, UK Visit her blog here:
Debra Dolinski
in Como, Italy See details of her “Sky Diary” project on her website here:
Foale Durkin Cloudscapes
in New York, USA Visit their website here:
Simon Morse
in Coggeshall, Essex, UK Visit his website here:
Sue Shaw
in Northumberland, UK