Got cloud art to contribute to the Cloud Appreciation Society? Submit in your work and we will be happy to consider sharing it here.
From Susan Albers
Susan Albers, member 45,561, has been practicing her craft as an artist since the early 1970's. This is one of a series of pastels
Cloud Sculpture
Saulius Vaitiekunas, Society member 50307, is a Lithuanian artist living in Vilnius.
From Wong Weng Yew
Wong Weng Yew, member 50,285, is a conceptual photographer from Singapore. He recently sent us these photos, taken of the same clouds at the same time
From Roanne Martin
Artist, Roanne Martin, is a lover of clouds and sent us this 'Day Dream' inspired by the view from her home.
From Joel Flora
This scene depicts what artist, Joel Flora, saw after a storm passed through New York City.
From Lamya Deeb
Lamya Deeb, member 20,784, painted this passing storm at sunset a few years ago — Mammatus clouds and a little lightning.
From Charlotte Aiken
Charlotte Aiken is an artist currently living in Guildford, UK, and her main interest is clouds.
Home At Last
Sharon Yamamoto has been exhibiting and selling her artwork in galleries around the world since 1969.
Three Clouds
Francoise Dauchot is an artist based in Belgium whose favourite topic is clouds.