Got cloud art to contribute to the Cloud Appreciation Society? Submit in your work and we will be happy to consider sharing it here.
From Thomas Cowles
Thomas Cowles, member 49393, painted this looming cumulonimbus a number of years ago while visiting New Mexico, USA
Bringing the Sky Inside
Nomad Ovunc, member 53117, and his wife are touring musicians in the US, and regularly criss-cross the country. Whenever they see a beautiful sky, they stop the car and take a photo.
Stormy Sky Over the Messa
Artist, Jeanette M Maddix, sent us this atmospheric pastel "Stormy Sky Over the Mesa".
From Amy Szwaya
Artist, Amy Szwaya, sent us this pastel painting of a September storm in the distance above Wisconsin.
“Carrying the Rain” by Saulius Vaitiekunas
Saulius Vaitiekunas, member 50,307, feels a very important part of this installation is the light and shadows.
The Mesas, New Mexico
Isabell T VanMerlin, member 50,870, sent us this painting that her aunt created in the 1960s. Caroline Whiting Fellows was a commercial photographer in New York in the 1930s
“Hazy Memory” by Janette K Hopper
Janette K Hopper, member 52,724, has painted clouds all her life. This is one of her most recent pieces entitled "Hazy Memory"
Mount Mohawk Landscape
Member 49,675, Linda Ben-Zvi, submitted this landscape which was painted by her fiancé, Paul, the summer of their wedding.
From Debi Perkins
Debi Perkins is an artist based in Crestview, FL. who recently discovered the Cloud Appreciation Society. This is one of her latest works.